I am in south east area. In small town near the beach. That would be great if someday you come here, mostly in spring time or summer is the best time. How long have you lived there? Is it like super hot when it's summer there?
Yes i live in uk now, not a good time cuz its getting colder Where do you live there? I've always wanted to go there sometime :D . It's hot and cold here. Rain hasn't been pouring a lot and overall it's humid :( .
Nice to meet you too mate, butt in, just a random topic as usual. Thanks a lot! Do you live abroad btw?
I had a conversation with an old couple a few days ago. They were from Australia and spoke Bahasa quite well. I totally found myself stuttering so much and realized that my speaking skill is still pretty much bad. :(
Is it just me or the sun shines so brightly these past few days? Anyway, good afternoon all and I welcome all of the newcomers. :D
Well, I appreciate your confession, Rouze. How do you feel around ? Are you having difficult time in socializing ? Answer if only you dont mind tho ._. Thanks a lot, fadel. :D My sexuality has never caused me problem in socializing. My introvert does. Though, it is hard to be one when it confli
Hi , let me join to this thread to improve my english :)) What are u guys thinking about gay marriage is finally legal in usa now? For me it's a good things that usa show their respects to all people. Because basically they have right to live their lives Please correct if i made mistake I'm a
well i am a breeder :) so yes i breed them. some i keep, some i sell. are you interested? :iloveindonesias I'm sorry, I can't keep dog at the moment. They're freakin cute tho. :kisss
Btw, the Lord just gave me 2 wonderful female pups. hopefully they'll find good homes :) meet Luna and Lucy.... they are both 6,5 weeks old :cendols http://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/06/28/7431477_20150628073250.jpghttp://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/06/28/7431477_20150628073255.jpghttp://s.kaskus.id/i
A pokemon, you say? You mean... http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/7/7e/506Lillipup.png/250px-506Lillipup.png ..like that? :D Well, not exactly like lilllipup tho. :ngakaks I was thinking the fur was made from fire, so maybe like a cute mini dog version of rapidash? :D
ow, they are pomeranians btw. this is the ideal show stance http://s.kaskus.id/images/2015/06/23/7431477_20150623102731.jpg It looks like a pokemon. :ngakaks
What if Flash is not your only option? :think: I heard Flash has been getting outdated nowadays. CMIIW. What specific field is your strongest? *Sorry for answering indirectly :malu: I can answer directly in person only, G. Unfortunately, Flash is my only option right now. It's kinda too late and
Is learning Flash worth your future? :bingung: Is it you're the lazy guy or flash is the difficult culprit? Still, it's good to know other cultures :D I'm definitely the lazy guy. :D Out of topic, but I want to ask something to you guys. Have you ever been so down because of a problem that you
*whispering to all Do ask him about the company's culture too my dear :) Are you now really into Flash? Apparently the job only applies for Jogja region only. :D I haven't really into Flash right now. Still very lazy to learn. :(
can you write anacaraka? i don't think there is. the nearest one is probably at Derawan island but I must cross the sea to reach that place. I used to be good at it. As the only one that caught my interest in studying Javanese. Then I forgot completely about it as I went into highschool. :(
just play it, and looking for strange behaviour/ error in game. Then make a report in english :( Your job sounds like a lot of fun. Can I apply there? :D