Gan, Boleh request ebook ini: Earth Resources and the Environment 4th edition Author: James R. Craig; ; Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR Edition: 4th, Fourth, 4e Year: 2010 Format: Paperback 528 pages ISBN 13: 9780321676481 (
Gan, mohon bantuannya lagi yaaa... :matabelo Title: "Status and challenges of Chinese deepwater oil and gas development" Author: Wei Chen Publisher: China University of Petroleum (Beijing) DOI: 10.1007/s12182-011-0171-8
Agan, mohon bantuannya lagi ya.... Title: "West Seno Field Development: the First Deepwater Field in Indonesia" Author: J. MacArthur, J. Inaray, Y. Setiawan, A. Terry, S. Palar, S. Darmono, Unocal Indonesia Company Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers DOI: 10.2118/68760-MS http://ww
Selamat malam gan2 semua, Ini posting pertama saya di kaskus, ingin request jurnal di bawah ini. Mohon bantuannyaaa... Title: "Indonesia Deepwater Field development Technical, Contracting, and Execution Challenges" Author: Jafar Korloo, Chevron Corporation Publisher: Society of Petroleum