Hey!!!! Apartheid ended YEARS ago. We all get along very nicely in this country now LOL as long as us whites stay one side :takut We're safe
See this is the thing.... South Africa is VERY VERY relaxed, basically we do not give a shit about copyright to be honest. So they could maybe come ask me to close you down but I would request a court order first as they MUST prove to me beyond a doubt that the script is nulled. With all the red...
Hi, Sorry Google translate does not work well with Indonesian But I think you are asking the DNS server? NameServer1: dns1.mywebserver.co.za NameServer2: dns2.mywebserver.co.za Hi, Yes I am the REAL Cyberhost.me Owner. You can get hold of me at admin@cyberhost.me I do not mind if you have an...
Greetings, Sorry this post is in english. I am the owner of Cyberhost.me. I see there has been some posting about my hosting service. Yes we allow nulled scripts, adult content & warez. We DON NOT allow rapidleech unless it uses a <iframe> and uses other servers for the traffic. Because we ...