1. Our Services For Man Only, Family, and Camp. 2. Follow us on intagram For Our Promotion. Mau bikin banner buat kostan. Kalau Kalimatnya kayak gitu gimana? Mohon dikoreksi ya kalau salah atau bahasa inggrisnya kurang cocok. Maksudnya kostnya hanya untuk pria, keluarga? 'Camp' maksudnya gimana y
The way that I been holdin' on too tight artiin dong gan,di beberapa transletor beda2 hasilnya :hammers Hi... Rasanya kamu salah thread ya. Coba tanyakan di: Permintaan bantuan terjemahan English<->Indonesia hanya boleh di sini! http://kask.us/gVNOU
Last week, I thought about how to turn my old speaker into bluetooth speaker so that it would make my room more comfortable by having the speaker wireless and visually futurisic. So, I prepared all that I needed to do. I bought mp3 bluetooth module from electronic store which costed 80.000 rupiahs.
Mmmm... I was afraid you would think so... As mentioned earlier, authorize means 'sahkan, izinkan'. Although author means 'penulis'... I'm afraid when something is authorized by someone, it does not mean that person wrote whatever that something is. The phrase would simply mean that the person g...
please help me, i'm trying to do correspondence email, Dear Professor X-Man, My name is Student Man and I’m a senior undergraduate student at Universitas KASKUS, Indonesia. I’m currently doing my senior thesis about urban development model. I found some paperwork that you authorized in the jo...
http://thefreedictionary.com/head clue: head di kalimat ini menunjukkan aksi, so look for verb (k.kerja)
cannot say i don't need your help right now. = ga bisa bilang kalo ga butuh bantuan lu sekarang It's the normal practice that the use the money and the one keep the money should not be the same person = yang menggunakan dan menyimpan uang seharusnya jangan orang yg sama ane agak bingung yang It'
" Please read the offer letter carefully, especially on the conditions that need to be satisfied (if applicable), how to accept the offer.. Before accepting the offer, please ensure that you have met all conditions listed in the offer letter (if applicable). " ini gan maksunya gmna ya
Gan mau tanya Drink from me ....... Artinya minuman dari ku atau minum dari ku? Bedain drink kata benda ama kata kerja gmn gan? Drink = minuman (noun), minum (verb) from = dari me = aku Jadi kalau kalimatnya hanya 3 kata itu (Drink from me) berarti itu kalimat (perintah) yang menyuruh seseoran
thanks :D === sekalian nanya gw pernah denger kalimat dari suatu film: "I ain't do nothing." kenapa bukan: "I ain't do anything." ain't sendiri kan udah bermakna negatif kan? kenapa masih pake no + thing? Kalimat seperti itu disebut 'double negative'... 2 bentuk negative dal
If applicable itu maksudnya gmna ya? Dpt email tulisanny' ielts min 6 (if applicable)' tapi itu di 'condition to offer' that has to meet.. jadi mksdnya harus ada ielts? Ato ga perlu ielts juga ga masalah? 'Applicable' = berlaku, diterapkan 'If applicable' = jika berlaku 'condition to offer that
Hello Gan Yes, I want agan or agan wati here can help me to translate two phrases above, but the translation should be relevant to the sources that I give. Hi; Are you possibly in the process of translating the page? I suppose the implied meaning of both terms are quite clear in the claims repo
Permisi agan/aganwati Tolong koreksinya ya "Kenapa kamu tidak bekerja sebagai engineer?" Bahasa inggrisnya yg bener yg mana 1. Why don't you work as an engineer? 2. Why do you not work as an engineer? Ane agak bingung soalnya kata-kata "why don't you ..." biasanya kan dipake se
It can refer to both. Bruder may refer to either a male nurse or a monk Please google the keywords "perawat bruder". That's a very interesting list of results. Perhaps once the term is more commonly used, they can update the KBBI accordingly. :)
need help to correct if there is an error grammar "Music is actually one of the greatest freedoms" CMIIW :o Though "one of ..." should be followed by a plural noun, I don't think you can count freedom. :)
Eerr, in a way, yes. Sebenernya sebutan baku male nurse di kita tuh Bruder yg merupakan kebalikan dari Zuster/suster. Bedanya bruder ama mantri? Beats me ;D Jika Suster itu sebutan untuk wanita, Bruder memang sebutan untuk pria. Tapi rasanya kedua sebutan ini bukan dalam konteks perawat atau me
Dukun beranak bisa pake doula :D Tapi kalo mantri kemarin itu blank bener dah, gak kepikiran bs pake paramedics :D Mantri itu ada sekolahnya gitu gak sih? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Dukun beranak bukannya semacam bidan, tapi lebih traditional dan (belum tentu) punya kemampuan medis di bidang p
What does it call adjective that ends with -ly ? :bingungs and explain about its usage pleaseee :( :( Adjective = kata sifat, tugasnya: menjelaskan noun (kata benda). Contoh: Beautiful girl. Adjective ~ beautiful, cantik. Noun ~ girl, gadis. Beautiful girl = Gadis cantik. Adverb = kata keteranga
kapan kita pake looking for dan kapan pakai search? "thx b4" "Look for" dan "search" pada dasarnya sama-sama bermakna mencari. Hanya saja "search" bermaksud kamu mencari dengan sangat teliti, ke segala tempat & dengan segala cara.
selamat siang gan :) ane mau bertanya nih. apa perbedaan kata go sama go to? misal:I go with bus (itu tanpa go to) sama:I go to with bus (dengan go to) You don't use with but by. I will go by bus. 1. I will go with her to the theatre tonight. Meaning: Saya akan pergi dengan dia ke teater malam ini