Hi friends, I'm looking for a temporary accommodation for 15-19 Dec 2015. Guest(s): 2 people Budget: around $30-$40/night Location: Preferably around CBD or inner suburbs Thanks in advance!! Whatsapp me (0450-179-456)
Penolak konstipasi wahyudi mamarika, gan http://cdn.klimg.com/vemale.com/headline/650x325/2012/09/dulcolax-obat-pencahar.jpg
Does anyone know what the meaning of 'thug life' and 'my,my' ? I think "my, my" has the same function with Indonesian "ya ampun".
Gan, butuh tempat buat tanggal 15-19 Desember 2015 nih buat dua orang. Preferably around CBD. Budget sekitar $30/night.
yes, but why i don't feel anything? :amazed: . ah yes, because i knocked your alien head not mine :bettys Why do ppl always imagine aliens have a bald head? Because they only met Piccolo and Freeza. Why are you single?
Gw mau nanya kalo kuliah diluar negeri misal kenegara china, kita mesti belajar cina dulu atau kuliah pake bahasa inggris? Atau ada kelas khusus untuk orang2 asing diuniversitas itu ya? Temen ane ada yang S2 di Cina n ada yg S3 di Hongkong. Mereka cm bisa bahasa Inggris. Jadi biasanya emang bbrp ka
Hi gan, i want to ask, if we don't know about the gender, how should we call he or she? Thanks, sorry if my english isn't correct, still learning :) If you're talking about someone, you can always say "the person"/"that person" or just repeat the name.
Depends on your purpose of studying. If it was to communicate with ppl, id say English wd give you a bigger market. Anyway language was created to help ppl understand each other, might as well choose one that allows you to understand as many as people possible, and let many people understand you. C
Actually the ones who think it's funny is usually the non-native speakers. Most educated English native speakers that I know are not so judgmental towards accents. However, there are cases that accents influence our pronunciation, which in turn may cause misunderstanding. For example, many Indones
A : Hell yeah we can, just rent a Submarine and viola ... we can breath under water Q : How to split even the 1 mm thin of paper ?? A: Use your imagination! Q: What is the answer of this question?
Belom gan. Just a few comments on grammatical stuff: 1) While biasanya diikuti verb+ing 2) "God's creation" or you can also say "His creation" 3) "...He created" bukan "...His created" :Yb
Mantep gan! Ane suka banget sama yg ini • Jangan terintimidasi Jangan terpengaruh dengan suaranya yang menggelegar, kata-katanya yang kotor, wajahnya yang jelek, atau tubuhnya yang penuh tato. Agan mesti ingat bahwa manusia yang merasa perlu mengintimidasi orang lain adalah manusia yang memiliki
Saya lanjutin S2 di RMIT, dan kerasa banget bedanya kul di Mel U ma RMIT. ....................... Tips saya, coba kalau pas liburan summer, cari magang. Kerja magang di indo yang perusahaan internasional yang terkenal di Australia bakal membantu juga dapat kerjaan. Apa tuh gan bedanya kul di