next ep will be susumu vs samonji.. :p jadinya ingelmia & susumu vs samonji.. samonji jadi musuh bersama.. kayak crita anime ninja yg baru tamat.. tp yg ini bener2 kejadian.. feeling samonji mati di ep terakhir.. but overall it will be nice good ending for me.. samonji nyusul kakaknya susumu
gw gak baca LN SWO.. tapi feeling si yuuki ini pasien di rumah sakit.. dan lumpuh total dr kecil. pelampiasan cuman di VMMORPG. dan musim semi nanti bakal ada operasi dianya.. (mungkin)..
Bro adiwgno barusan dah donlod mired, tapi tetep gak bisa flash pake original recovery romnya miui.. ada saran ?
Silahkan disedot gan. Selengkapnya sudah diposting disini. Credit: Agan babahs. Buat TS, mungkin postingan ini perlu ditaroh di pageone. sip.. makasih mas bro.. lagi gw donlod buat tes lagi..
ada yang bisa ngasih mirror MiRed_Armani_v45 ? klo dari mediafire lemot ini. cuman review aja ya. Pake official v45 + root dan beberapa tweaks - adfree : working ok - no-frills : settingannya gak bisa dipake pas booting (alias opsi on-boot tidak bekerja) - Busybox on Rails + Trickster Mod : selalu
Lokasi : Palm Garden Condo - Choa Chu Kang 1 Common room available on 6 Sept 2014 Common bedroom - Shared toilet - a/c - 900 per month excl. PUB and Inet unit description: - no owner - full facilities condo: Pool, gym, sauna, bowling alley, supermarket, bbq pit, dll - location just across keat h
Lokasi : Palm Garden Condo - Choa Chu Kang 1 Common room available on Sept 2014 Common bedroom - Shared toilet - a/c - 900 per month excl. PUB and Inet unit description: - no owner - full facilities condo: Pool, gym, sauna, bowling alley, supermarket, bbq pit, dll - location just across keat hong
Lokasi : Palm Garden Condo - Choa Chu Kang 1 Common room available on Sept 2014 Common bedroom - Shared toilet - a/c - 900 per month excl. PUB and Inet unit description: - no owner - full facilities condo: Pool, gym, sauna, bowling alley, supermarket, bbq pit, dll - location just across keat hon
Lokasi : Palm Garden Condo - Choa Chu Kang 1 Common room available on Sept 2014 Common bedroom - Shared toilet - a/c - 900 per month excl. PUB and Inet unit description: - no owner - full facilities condo: Pool, gym, sauna, bowling alley, supermarket, bbq pit, dll - location just across keat hong
Lokasi : Palm Garden Condo - Choa Chu Kang 2 Common room available Common bedroom - Shared toilet - a/c - 825 per month excl. PUB unit description: - no owner - tinggal brg sama orang indo - full facilities condo: Pool, gym, sauna, bowling alley, supermarket, dll - location just across keat hong
Lokasi : Palm Garden Condo - Choa Chu Kang 1 Master room and 2 Common room available Room description: Junior Master room : - With attached bathroom - New installed aircon - 875 per month excl. PUB Common bedroom - Shared toilet - a/c - 775 per month excl. PUB unit description: - no owner - ting
1 Common room available Room description: - Common bedroom - toilet diluar - a/c unit description: - no owner - tinggal brg sama orang indo. 1 keluarga (ada anak kecil), 1 couple, 1 single. - full facilities condo: Pool, gym, sauna, bowling alley, supermarket, dll - location just across keat hong...