sorry pake kamera hp ini tattoo "Jim Morrison" tattoo pertama ane gan 3 tahun yg lalu smp kelas 3 bikin sama alink kootaishi, cuman udah rada rusak gitu bagian2 rambut nya, soalnya waktu itu pas proses penyembuhan ane keletin sendiri, ane blm ngerti waktu itu, ane mau nanya gan, kok di...
gan, kok ane gak bisa buka lastfm ya? "HTTP Error 504: Gateway Timeout The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to complete the request." tapi browsing laen laen bisa cuma lastfm doang yg gak bis...
permisi gan nanya dong, kn ane lagi nginstall last fm scrobbler, begitu download plugins muncul tulisan "the setup file is corrupted. please obtain a new copy of the program" kira2 kenapa ya? :capedes:capedes mohon bantuan nya ya gan :D I'm into rock, punk, psychedelic rock, classi...