Kalo n7 2 aye kacanya pecah, tp masih bisa nyala, cuman touchnya aja jadi agak ngaco. Pake screen guard, jd pecahan kaca gak berantakan kemana2. Besok mau aye bawa ke service center. Kira-kira bakal diganti kacanya aja atw komplit sama lcdnya ya?
Tadi jam 7an ada telpon dari call center. Sudah ketemu!! Thanks to usaha bagian lost & found group taksi express, pak sopir yang baik hati dan semua yang sudah mendoakan spy tabnya ketemu.
Taksi'nya Express yaa gan..??..di daerah rumah ane ada 3 pool itu taksi...kalo ente emang mau ngecek ke pool itu satu-satu...ayok dah ane temenin...PMin aja nocan or pincan ente...btw rmh ane di daerah bekasi selatan gan.. Makasih... Tapi gak kuat juga ngedatengin satu-satu pool taksi express.. B...
Coba telepon ke call center indosat. Kata orangnya, nomer telepon nggak bisa dilacak keberadaannya (pake fitur lacak tadi) kecuali kalo nomernya mengkonfirmasi permintaan lacak yg dikirim. walaupun ada aktivitas dr nomer tersebut (nelpon/sms) tetep gak bisa dilacak lokasinya kecuali nomernya meng...
mampir kemari bro http://kask.us/gWpM4 Insya Allah dapat membantu :) sudah dicona fitur lacak nya, tapi ternyata harus ada konfirmasi dulu dari nomor yg dicari
Nggak dibackup datanya pake cloud drive... Kalo yang file2 ms office sih sering buka tutup copy paste dengan yang di kompi. Tapi yang notes gak ada backupnya. Nggak semua app bisa dibackup kan (apalagi yang gretong) Ada yang tau nggak, apa indosat bisa ngelacak posisi nomernya telponnya berada di a
Tadi berhasil telpon lg ke call centre, katanya lagi dicek taksinya dari pool mana. Karena yang ada nomer polisi, bukan nomer taksi. Iya, tau... Gw teledor. Dari dulu memang gw pelupa dan ceroboh. Sayangnya itu udah bagian dari diri gw yang sayangnya nggak bisa gw ubah lagi. Tapi bukan berarti gw...
hi kak, maaf kak, sebelumnya turut :berduka yah kak, kk tenang dulu, kk ingat taksinya apa? kak, coba telfon langsung ke perusahaan taksi , atau balik lagi ke tempat asal, barangkali ada yang kenal sama drivernya, mungkin beliau biasa di situ? mungkin jd bs minta nomer cpnya barangkali... semog
Nomor taksinya ga dicatet? Coba dateng ke kantornya saja, nanti kan inget sapa sopir taksinya, kalau perlu pake cara Mr Bean waktu nangkep penjahat. nggak nyatet nomer taksinya, trus tadi juga agak ngantuk :( Masih sibuk call centre nya
Hahaha. I see. I didn't know that in the States the police have their own morgues. All I know is that dead bodies are sent to the local hospital for autopsy and the coroners (eg Molly) are responsible for it. Btw I just checked with Google and coroner is the Brit equivalent for medical examiner.
I'm working for public service, funded by the state. FYI we (government, which, sadly, I have to admit I am a part of) are known for often creating rules that makes things difficult for themselves. My mom told me it used to be March 31st. Every December I find myself wanting to shoot the party r...
Oh, oops, I got carried away watching the Sketch Show. I'll fix up the second case a bit and send the link in a bit. Don't read too fast, though, because then you'll be waiting for the fourth case and... let's just say it's not going to be done anytime soon, at the rate I'm going... ETA: here's
Yes. Yes, they all do. :D This is why I went 'huh?' when I first read about a girl casually moving in with her boyfriend in a fanfic. "You crazy, girl?" was in my head... until I dumbly realised that this whole thing was okay in 'them first world countries'. Like, bajeebas. I would so
malaysia maybe.... idk. is it sounds crazy to study aboard but my english skill is not that good? thx btw If you wanted to study abroad, you need to increase that skill. At the very least, you're going to need it to fill the scholarship paperwork (I assume you're aiming for scholarship, right
Hm... I've still got a ton of books to read, including but not limited to: Moby Dick, Father Brown, Christmas Carol, Poe's short stories, A Simple Act, Tales of the Water Margin, and some other non fiction books. Ugh. When will I find the time to read them all. Acquiring books takes mere minutes