Permisi gan numpang nanya.. maaf kl sudah ada yg tanya sebelumnya.. sambil ngulik ngulik thread ini.. hhe.. Cara ganti google play games id ke siamgame id gmn ya? Soalnya sy pakai google games id sering nyangkut di welcome screen trs cuma "loading.." smp ment balik minta login gan.. bebe
Sekedar share saja :D Ane pernah beberapa kali ngeprint ebook.. Klo ane sih ngeprintnya ke print kopi langganan :D Soal harga klo dah langganan bisa dinego dikit dikit laah :D :D Untuk sampulnya (sampul jilid) biasanya ane printkan di outdoor print itu kang (ane ke ortindo), paling abis 15rebu..
Maaf lur belum cek ini udah ditanyakan atau belum.. tempat buat ngeprint ebook yang terjangkau dan hasilnya bagus mana ya lur?
please drop by anytime you want :toast cheers :toast BTW, I know it's not the place to ask for, but do you guys know a good+cheap "kost" around UGM? I am going to collage soon, and don't wanna stayin at home. :malu
Poof!! random appearance.
Ane udah baca dan hapir sepenuhnya setuju tapi banyak setujunya sih.. Suuuuuuumpah, acaranya ngebosenin, mending buka youtube lihat2 video apaaa gitu, daripada lihat tv..
rawr.. :genit --- fuck them dude none of our business :ngakaks for those who can't speak english and hate this thread :fuck2: stupid people will revenge smart people will forgive wise people will ignore they won't understand what you said btw.. :ngakak === :kisss miss u all :kisss MISS YOU TOOO
ane yang pendatang baru di ibu kota malah susah kalau mau main ke kontrakan cewe ane... :bingungs:bingungs
7 or 8 YO.. HOAY when your nose hair start to annoying for the first time? :mads not yet... :malus HOAY when you wath your very first porn?