baru mau nanyaa..udah lengkap aja jawabannya... Nitip pertanyaan gan..ada paket apa yg unlimited..? ane suka halo hybrid..selain unlimited..murcee..kuota abis..tpi masi lancar bbm or wasapan.. klo ini ilaang..2gb cuma abis semingguan..:mewek:mewek:mewek:mewek:mewek Ah iya. Ini udah sempat kuta
Aku barusan nelpon ke Call Center terkait perubahan kebijakan m̶e̶r̶e̶s̶a̶h̶k̶a̶n̶ ini dan begini kesimpulan dari beberapa hal yang aku cemaskan. 1. Harga tidak berubah, karena yang berubah hanyalah kebijakan dari Unlimited ke Volume-based 2. Setelah paket data habis, maka koneksi data ...
silahkan ditonton anak2 SR yg gua permasalahin beserta momodnya tapi officer tetep maksa gua jadi bitch vguser ini dia officernya: RHP (KASKUS) Anuu.. Mungkin bisa dimulai dengan cerita kronologisnya gimana... Siapa tau teman-teman di sini ntar pada mendukung, trus difasilitasi ring gulat,
:linux2: Menyimak Nggak paham kasusnya Nggak paham bola Nggak paham videonya Cuma kayaknya cukup lucu... Anak-anak KSPK mana nih... :bingung: Btw bukannya TS harusnya jelasin kronologi kasus kayak gimana daripada posting video gak jelas?
hahaha, no worries ambro. I'm not from kediri nor am I an awardee of a scholarship. I dont remember anyone being a japanese scholarship recipient around here. Ah, my bad... Meanwhile I'll try to recall harder about the person i'm writing this from afterlife, they have internet here. don't
Never been to Japan bro. Think you have mistaken me for someone else haha. Your second question: a person called me stupid (and before that this person posted saying, "it's fun to see this guy rattle about rules", or something like that. seriously, I had hever had any contact with this
Waw, there must be something between you and Rahan, eh? a special kind of something? Haha Loc's still here? I guess he has gone to Mars long time I think we must have been in love if not separated with distance :( unpopular opinion : HIMYM better watched both Hi Robb... I thought y
Hello, just want to ask, what qualification would be the best to become trilingual professional translator? in my case, Japanese-English-Bahasa Indonesia? I might add one more, Chinese, since it is my mother tounge. It will be in the distant future, though, because I can't read the Chinese Kanji p
Thank you for some people here worrying me, especially Rahan. I just want to confirm that, Kaskus didn't use my ID to post those announcement you see recently in our small Forum. They contact me to help them create those thread to light up the event. I promise to be more active :hammer: Pawnshop...
:cystg 1. How to print MARKAS ticket I've bought in JB? It's piece of cake. You just have to click on USERNAME and follow these steps : 1. Click your Username 2. Go to Jual Beli Activities 3. Go to My Buying History 4. Then you'll get this display 5. Click on your ID Invoice (The combination o...
offline? where mas? i wanna join, i don;t have sparing partner to speak linggis in UB :berduka Hohoho... Commonly we meet every week in some cafes. Even Catur joined in many occasions :D But this week, I think there's no meeting. I still focus on the new project on Public Speaking Club.
ih wow ts is metungul :matabelo Hoo... I'm really sorry for not metungul in a long time. But we are quite active offline, Feb... :bettys
Ngepos cuma biar ada rangkaian Entut berjajar... :bingung: Disclaimer: nggak tau kapan ngepos lagi loh..