@ForzaJuveEN Igor Tudor is on his way to Turin and will soon officially become the new Juventus manager. —@FabrizioRomano
nice win! selain concecao, sama kolo. ane suka bgt sama mainnya Thuram kmrn, pergerakannya ga ada yg mubazir, nusuk2nya jg oke. next PSV! :toast
@ForzaJuveEN "Gleison Bremer has an injury to the cruciate ligament and meniscus, 7 months out (will undergo surgery in Austria). "
gilee. merinding bgt gw nontonnya. mana sempet diomelin bini gara2 lompat2 dkasur gol ke-3. duh semoga bremer ga knp2 deh.
plot twist: Sidang banding memenangkan Juve sehingga 15 poin dikembalikan. 4 kekalahan beruntun Napoli ke depan, sehingga Juve scudetto/ :shutup: :shutup:
Pelatihnya aja blm apa2 uda ngmng runner up. Gmn pmainnya mau lari2. hahahha. mending ane jalan2 santai aja kata cuad.. 🤣🤣🤣
https://s.kaskus.id/images/2022/09/05/252915_202209051043340905.jpg Tenang gan. Juve ga pernah kalah dr PSG.. :ngakak
Max Statman @emaxstatman ❗Medicals today for Arthur with Liverpool FC on loan from Juventus. — @DiMarzio
🚨Adductor muscle discomfort for Ángel Di Maria. He will be evaluated in the coming hours. (@DAZN_IT) #JuveSassuolo
Perin, bremer mantap match kali ini. Yg rada invis si mckenie. Cuad pas dikiri lbh ok. Sandro ok. dimaria mntap. vlahovic btuh gol lg buat kepercayaan diri. loca oke.
Juve have said NO to Chelsea over De Ligt. The player can only leave the club for €120M. But both clubs will meet tomorrow or Thursday. Chelsea will try to include Jorginho in the deal. Rabiot could also end up in the talks, Juventus values him around €20M. (@Gazzetta_it) Chelsea have indicat...
“Some players are more attached to their agents than to the jersey they wear” - Arrivabene in February https://S E N S O RzsaHIHGpCl Bene ini skali ngmng, dalem bgt haha
Kl tim sebesar juve sih ga ada opsi lepas gan. Squad mumpuni utk 3 kompetisi. Beda kl klub sblh, mngkn msh mikir2 all out ato lepas. Krn squadnya ga mumpuni utk 3 kompetisi. Jgnkan 3 kompetisi, 2 kompetisi aja engap2an. :ngakak