Eh ado yg tau kpn PS XXI resmi bukak utk umum? Nunggu Man of Steel-kah? Napak tilas PIM 21 yg premier utk umum pas Superman Returns...
d PGA menang kok dio mang..di golden globes jg menang kok..justru the help besak kansnyo d dept. akting (viola davis &octavia spencer) lah wong SAG kan awards buat lakon :shakehand
br ketonton the artist: an unique cinematic experience,uplifting&fun..such a blast! jagoke inila menang oscar gek
so the oscar begins dr 9 nods best pics br tetonton 5 (the tree of life, the help, war horse, moneyball, midnight in paris) seneng om oldman akhirnyo jd pingin ntn the artist sm a separation.. and for anyone who care bout the nods here u go
iyo mang saket ati gagal msk bioskop indo filem ni msh screener tp gambar la bening nian cm kdg2 metu watermark b btw,kpd para pengunduh mania donlotlah rekan2ku sekalian sebanyak2nya sepuas2nya sebelum semuanya terlambat... rip megaupload...cyberwar begins...
br ntn ini extremely sentimental it's like a porn of dramatic tearjerker... it's so manipulative, too much cliches, but it works!at least for me.. kukasih ponten 8/10... tebayang2 terus di palak aku adegan2 manipulatif di film ini....:hammer:
rame ngomongke serial sherlock yeee...menurut aq feel serial ni lebih dpt sesuai novelnyo walopun settingnyo diubah jd kontemporer... satu hal yg agak ngeganjel di aq mgkn moriarty-nyo seraso mecak psycho ketimbang mastermind licin pecak di novelnyo...other than that everything's just so fit...
thn 2011 nak abes nak share top film 2011 versi tobok (ngacak) the skin i live in sang penari detective dee and the mystery of phantom flame the beginners drive the help crazy, stupid, love midnight in paris the tree of life melancholia margin call contagion source code mission impossible : ghost...
^weitz...itu cover tree of life criterionnyo cindo nian...fanart yg sgt bekelas...:thumbup: btw terakhir ntn the help highly recommended bagi pecinta drama inspiratif tearjerker...:thumbup: 7.5/10
arisan!2 sharp,smart sindiran buat hedonist,kultur kontemporer,rio dewanto aktingnyo ampun2an :ngakaks :mahos..dak segreget yg pertamo but its a damn good sequel 7.5/10
one of the best films of this year :thumbup: nuansa 80annyo bikin nilai plus dr film ni.. selaen racikan gun and romance 8.5/10
i reaaaaaaallly love this totalllyyy!! :hammer: :p the cast are such a delightful creme bulle (never expected this much from owen wilson), the music, the story, and paris itself.... opa allen rullllllllllllessss!! :D :thumbup: 8.5/10 p.s : DAMN! they didnt screen the tin tin movie i...
Melancholia kiamat ala lars von trier cindo di mato, visualnyo dramatis... dr cerito agak2 nganar...(well it's von trier's) kirsten dunst jd betino galau yg saro dingertike :) 8/10
Sapola yg punyo pelem ni (minjem oi, nak berasan numpang ngopi, hehehe....) :Yb:Yb:Yb Mokasih banyak yo gan atas sharingnyo. Seneng bae di era maini hari dimano segalonyo serba cgi n 3D, ado jg yg msh seneng flm2 yg berbau sastra. iyo agak miscast di jamie bell :nohope: tp overall it's a ve...
Director: Cary Fukunaga (Sin Nombre) Writers: Charlotte Brontë (novel), Moira Buffini (screenplay) Stars: Mia Wasikowska (alice in wonderland), Michael Fassbender (x-men first class) After a bleak childhood, Jane Eyre goes out into the world to become a governess. As she lives happily in her ne...
adegan jembatan putus menurut aq jd adegan paling thrilling sepanjang 2011, asli pas nyingoknyo merinding disko :takuts btw,klo nak ntn tree of life hrs tau gaya mallick, sejak jaman dahulu kala memang hobi berfilosopi mamang ini, gambar2nyo puitis, musik2nyo bkn merinding...trus ceritonyo cende...
ntn days of heaven again..mun seneng iklan nutrilon pasti seneng..soalnyo iklan tu nyeplak gaya malick,life is an adventure :p :hammer: