this thread s alive!!... :selamat :selamat :selamat :selamat now they can stop asking for the invitation thank you jmax1
Hi guys, just curiousity, does anyone still have FS2crew pmdg 737 for fs2004 available? maybe someone still have it? Thanks :)
Hi, simmers... just curious, but anyone still have fs2004 flylogic switzerland pro available online? thanks and best regards
excuse me, anyone still have FS9 merge-pss-posky 777 (777-200ER, 200LR, 200LRF, 300ER) available online ? i lost my backup by mistake and about to re-track it, unfortunately the current links at 4shar*d and the previous links from old thread is no longer valid. :( hope someone can give me a hand....
@jester 1224 thanks for FS2004 FSQ Croatian-Slovenian Airports RIP @avechelice: thanks again for FS2004 Thai Creation Don Mueang VTBD 2014 RIP thanks alot you guys :shakehand2
Ok. I'm going to go insane. Please would someone upload the JF DC-8. I can't handle not having it.:sorry :ngakaks:ngakaks:ngakaks:ngakaks:ngakaks *FACEPALM* Keep strong, Capt :ngakaks...
tak bermaksud oot agan agan yang baik hati... ane mau minta bantuannya gimana cara setting cessna 182 (carenado) pake tools mouse as yoke? selama ini ane maen bisanya cuman pake cessna 152 sama default 172 :ngakak kalo ada yang bisa setting panelnya tolong di share caranya ya ane cari caranya di ...
Zinertek Technologies Specials FS2004 Only Request by PM will be answered copilotdiego, Thank you :shakehand2
kalo ngeliat desainnya mantep banget. jauh lebih gede dari adisucipto yak.. muga2 dengan begitu traffik jogja mangkin meningkat dan mendongkrak pendapatan jogja. Request >>> PM <<< thanks agan tenorair :2thumbup