salken gan :kiss ane udah ngikutin ini novelnya dari pertama buku 1 terbit di indo terus stop di buku 4 gara gara nyari nyari buku 5 ga nemu nemu (sekitar 4 taun yang lalu) :sorry terus sebulan terakhir berhubung lagi libur panjang kuliah akhirnya baca ebooknya deh sampe buku 8,9-11 niatin beli d...
lol yeah genius enough to sway the topic around nope, he doesn't have a point, the word was suppose to be a joke, either way it violates the wery guud principle our founding fathers built, that is, to be nice to others meanwhile, there's another genius telling people not to post image alone while u
well, he clearly has nothing to talk about :bettys yes he has,he was talking about you,describing you with 3 simple letters ,he summarize all possible words to describes you (or i call it swear worda) in just 3 letters,yeah genius :D
yg tiga kata kek gini juga harus sang, go outside and get a life :batas kan elu pemicunya,jangan ngeles mulu ah kaya anggota dpr ato irg org politik #ups ini ada kata2 nya bviar gak foto doang... cakpe fler :matabelo: asal gak ngomong cakep pol
anjis gw enek kadang liat yg post cuma gambar tok :cd: if you have nothing to talk about,rather than posting a single pic why don't you go outside and get a life...
HAPPY BASUDAY kesan dan pesan aug selama di KSK meskipun masih dalam hitungan bulan udah banyak, pertama kali ngerti KSK dari chopper (yg menghilang gegara Sonya grad) sama mas saber (yg menghilang gara ga
widiih udah 3 tahun ksk.. hayoo di sini siapa yang udah lama ngikut ksk tapi masih jomblo??:ngakak untung saya udah ga jomblo :malus hair megane :eek ampuun puuh jgn bata saya :(