:shakehand2 Halo Juragan sekalian, kenalin nih GRESIKITA, brand baru untuk aksesoris khas kota Gresik dengan produk andalannya kaos unik boso Gresik'an. tapi sebelumnya kenalan dulu gan, cekidot.. Gresik sebagai kota penyangga metropolis telah mengalami perkembangan ekonomi yang cukup signi...
Hi guys, your English are so great. Keep posting in English! It seems so hard but just give a try hehe, cz hard or difficult does not mean we cannot do it, is that right? ENGLISH GATHERING is possible someday :) By the way If you have BlackBerry phone you can scan this PIN BARCODE below to join G...
Hi, long time no post :) do y still remember me, I'be been so busy lately, hehe or I just intro myself once more to y all. I think no prob. just call me Mr. Vicky, I am an English teacher from A R-SMA-BI at GRESIK, so how's life everyone? what's up! I just wanna ask one question to...
Do you like it? so let's practice it!, practicing is the best way of learning English. En:ilovekaskusjoy
Yes, this is my original ID, I'm happy to help everyone to learn English! :iloveindonesia I will share Idiom, tips & tricks, game, a topic to be discussed on this forum etc. periodically :D -don't be shy to try-
Good morning all, Mr. Vicky would like to share some English idiomatic expressions for you :ilovekaskus :hn IDIOM: KATA KIASAN Have a ball: (verb) enjoy one's self, have a good time. Artinya gan: (kata kerja) mempunyai waktu yang menyenangkan, menikmati waktu. Splurge: (verb) spend a lot of...
No worries, your English is so astonishing! Yeah, I should come. Just call me up or send invitation. let me know. add me on: http://www.facebook.com/akhmadakmalrifqi Thank you gan!
Hi guys, Nice to meet you :iloveindonesia I would like to introduce my self. My name is Vicky, I am an English teacher from Innovative School Gresik (SMAM1GRESIK). The key to learn English is "DON'T BE SHY TO TRY" Keep Practicing :2thumbup
eson pancene ape hunting spot sing apik gan, tak usahakno gak atek editan tapi hasile apik gan :iloveindonesia
Ok gan, ane punya rencana posting foto yang tanpa edit, biar kelihatan asli bagus apa gak nya suwun gan :shakehand2
Nanti ane update gan, ada pantai Mayangkara di Bawean island yang konon keindahannya mirip pantai Pattaya di Thailand sono gan:travel
Halo gan, Ane mau share Foto-Foto Gresik pesisir nih gan! Check this out:iloveindonesia PESISIR PELABUHAN GRESIK Pelabuhan Gresik terletak pada posisi 112o3930,60 garis Bujur Timur dan 7o927,40 garis Lintang Selatan, tepatnya pada Selat Madura atau sebelah utara Pelabuhan Tanjung Pera...
Ane habis beli Nokia E5 nih gan, waktu coba buka aplikasi facebook bawaan ada pop-up yang minta ane buat upgrade tuh aplikasi, ane klik aje dan sukses upgradenya. tp setelah di buka lagi aplikasi facebook itu malah file-nya corrupted! dan gak bisa di buka lagi gan, agan sekalian ada yg tau cara n...