I have problem with this sentence.. Maksud tujuan saya adalah " saya udah dan sedang mencari restaurant selama beberap hari ini " My sentence looks like " I have been searching restaurant for several days" I choose present perfect continuous.. Is it good sentence ? Help and pl
Kick it. WYCDW a stomp ? I tried search on google translate and couldn't find meaning "stomp' WYCDW a book ?
Saya akan lulus dan mencari pekerjaan. Orang tua saya menginginkan saya untuk belajar bahasa Inggris akan tetapi karena saya sibuk dengan revisi untuk ujian kelulusan, saya tidak mempunyai banyak waktu. Apakaha ada diantara kalian yang tahu dimana tempat belajar komunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris s...
kota perantauan ane ini :D banyak sih destinasi wisatanya malang, ane balekambang aja jg belom.. masjid turen tiban udah 3x :ngakaks masjid turen takjil gratis gak gan ? lumayan traveling sekalian nyari makan hahaa
Sebagai mahasiswa di yg menjalani studi di Malang.. gue akuin air pam lebih seger dibandingkan dengan air sumur :salamkenal
Tinta emas itali masih terlalu mengkilau dibandingkan generasi emas belgia... Mental juara dan pengalaman tim italia membuktikan.. Tetep rendah hati dan fokus.. Kejar poin maksimal
in my opinion, passive and active english skill are difficult .But if we only have one of them... It's just make trouble for your communication in future.. actually , i not too different with you. I only be able to passive english even my listening is bad.. But if we effort to master this skill,
what are you looking for ? you just post like trash in here... if you wanna make question , please compose your question so that we know what you mean..
it's true, vigilante is false method for punishment someone.. but it's true too, we lack confidence toward police.. furthermore, nowdays we feel uneasy with this situation.. whether the situation due to conflict police and KPK ? so police tried to save his dignity and less considering his actual