Nah, Kaskus is in my heart, and I'll never quit:kiss What a lovely sentiment. Oh wait, where was I ? This is first time I've logged in after 5 1/2 years. I lef
and I just couldn't wait when that retarded attorney come to visit one of 'warnet' in my environment when all of little kids are playing pointblank intimately :D All of them will get a free ride to prison immediately,I assume:D The Teacher is the gila one. The attorney is different, the parents a
- Suara jelas, tidak berlogat kedaerahan Can I get the job ? I have no accent at all. People listen to me, and they're like "where are you from ? and I'm like, I live next door to you, no matter where you are from" Japanese think I'm Japanese, Korean think I'm Korean, Irish think I'm Ir
Some of the magicians use magic, some use training, and some use both. Some tricks are illusion, but some are real and just unusual. Some are funny, some are gross. There is a LOT that you can do with patience and training your body to do things that it is not normally meant to do. Most people
Really? I thought the war was between the 0.01% vs. everyone else. They're all fighting, they go to the local Walmart shops and start shooting each other. Some big school killing spree where all the little children die made some politician talk about considering banning that particular gun, so it t
crazy people and wish people gather in USA, it is usual to happen in there :berdukas:berdukas:berdukas That is true, I agree. For the TS, I think nationality has no place in this event. It purely is humanity. Even there, in US, was a good police who was nice to a homeless man. That is what govern
This is such a great way to travel. Plus, more than that, I so need to get an outfit exactly like this. Shiny and gold. I totally need this outfit, the flying crocodile is not as good as the outfit. I mean flying alligators are just great, you can round up animals, do shopping without worrying a...
what do you mean walk ? Yeah, see that's the problem, if he is unarmed, they didn't use enough bullets like in the USA. You think Indo is bad ? Zomg, I've been there, and I've been here, and I'll tell you open and honest you live in heaven compared to the rest of the world.The freedom you ha...
Saya juga sis ! :D I'm blaming the dirty minds for destroying the old kaskus, this is quite obvious, after all, it wasn't caused by fallout from fukushima, that's proof enough for me. Which reminds me, I should start a new thread. I was talking to someone about it, saying I'l...
Kenapa smilie yng jelek kesatu ? Blah ! Ado! apa ni ? Kaskus baru ! dan saya sudah orang nakal :shutups What happened did the nasty boys break the old one ? I knew it ! I told you so ! HA !!!!!!! bagimana sis ?
I know what you are saying Loc, and I agree 100% with that part, but just take Om Penyulap's word for it, lately, there is a lot of crap out there. But if not believe Uncle penyulap, please punish yourself by reading thread title "If I were a boy" then come and tell me it's e...
I did not know that subforums existed at first, and for a long time. I just focused on the list of threads, I skip the top part with the same part of my brain that skips advertising and things like that, I think some people focus on the list first of all, and then it takes a while to find the re...
Maaf orang semua, saya bule nakal dan pakai bahasa nakal dalam message ini. My thoughts encompass a lot of that. Stu, at the moment I think the EF forum is not tailored toward students as much as it should be. I think that newbies with vocabularies of like 100 words or so are thrown into the dee...
When I did the test, I got 7 and thought is there an 8 or is this test going to direct you to study no matter what you do ? Well, there is a Level 8 if you don't make any mistakes, however they STILL tell you that you need to give them money... lol. Now, I want to explain the answ...
I think there is no level 8 sort of thing, I think it always tells you that they need your money even if you speak like the queen of england.
lvl 7 out of 8.... Lolz., no way I am going back to school for english ! Speaks I can, Yoda better than also. Indonesian now I must learn.
'nyleneh' Eccentric, thank you !!!! I like to be 'nyleneh' for sure. I am. I have many interest in so many songs, so many kinds of music too. First of all, I like when my friend I like is singing. I like girls singing of course, then I like pavarotti sometimes, opera !! like ...