Permisi gan saya mau tanya, apakah kalo seorang Aparat Negara TNI/POLRI itu ada syarat syarat khusus dalam membuat visa ke negara eropa?
gan ane masih newbie banget baru download dan mainin ini game, masih coba coba pake Indonesia aja sih baru jalan beberapa hari. minta tutorial lengkap dong bahasa indonesia gitu? awam banget soalnya terlalu mikro yang harus diurusin atau kalo udah ada kasih link nya ya gan, ane cek beberapa page ke
INGAT !!! PANCASILA 1. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa 2. Kemanusiaan Yang Adil Dan Beradab 3. Persatuan Indonesia 4. Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin Oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan Dalam Permusyawaratan Perwakilan 5. Keadilan Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia
Permisi gan mau perkenalan, domisili ane di Jawa Timur, ane masih kelas 3 SMA, IPS, rencana kalo taun depan atau taun depannya lagi AKMIL buka pendaftaran buat IPS, ane mau daftar AKMIL, kalo engga, ane bakal daftar CABA TNI AD. Mau numpang tanya nih, kayanya pernah ada grup LINE buat casis TNI di
Gan help please, ane kan barusan servis in iphone ane, nah sampe ganti LCD+Touchscreen+Body nya, udah jadi normal systemnya, dll. Tapi pas ane insert simcard, kok gamau ngedeteksi simcardnya, jadi bagian sinyal itu searching terus, tapi anehnya bisa connect pake WiFi. Gimana nih gan, please kasih
Gan help please, ane kan barusan servis in iphone ane, nah sampe ganti LCD+Touchscreen+Body nya, udah jadi normal systemnya, dll. Tapi pas ane insert simcard, kok gamau ngedeteksi simcardnya, jadi bagian sinyal itu searching terus, tapi anehnya bisa connect pake WiFi. Gimana nih gan, please kasih
Gan sebelumnya mohon maaf kalo pertanyaan ane udah ada di FAQ, ane cuma bingung kalo liat jawaban di FAQ, bukannya males baca.. Tapi menurut ane kurang jelas aja dan kayanya udah ngga di update ya? Jadi gini, kalo semisal ane mau nginstall The Sims 3 + EP + SP lengkap dan itu semuanya versi terba...
Good evening lounge, hope you all are just fine now, wherever you are :D Happy Ied Mubarak 1435H, Minal Aidin Wal Faizin.. I'd like to say apologize for my mistakes to you all :ngacir: and Alhamdulilah Ramadhan this year was very beautiful and finally we could through it well :D I hope we can meet
Well, we can make a discussion here :D sorry to not quote you all, but I'll just say it here. . I personally would differ it between Individual or Country, for those who really don't care about who's the president, thinking about there won't be much influences I must say it's not true, I'd say ha
Good evening lounge :D Now i see many strange words :hammers I think this topic is going to be complicated, I can't say anything about it :ngacir:
Good morning everyone :D this thread was going so fast :hammers as i remember.. we were talking about world cup but now, as i see.. the topic is about plane crash :ngacir: i still don't really know what's happening.. i just heard that malaysia airlines plane has fallen because of missile shot in U Feel sorry for her :sorry I think she needs someone's shoulder :malu: How a beautiful stranger :malus Is she an Argentina fans, isn't she?
Yeah, I know it all too well :hammers But I'm also Barca fans and I think it was fine if I supported Argentina because Messi was there :D I do soo :ngacir: I almost forget to say it, Congratulations for Germany and Pray for Argentina:D WorldCup has ended, but Football never die #ViscaBarca :malus
Since 10 years ago when Germany started build this winning team who wins the World Cup this year.. They won it with teamwork, hard work, and also with patience.. As we can see, they had a lot of young players and all of them were the best players in their clubs, and look at Argentina? believe or n
Good evening lounge, how are you tonight? :D Well.. As I see, Argentina fans are more than Germany fans here :D Actually I'm Brazilian fans and i was so sad when they can't be in final moreover Germany beat them with 7-1 score.. And because of that, I prefer Argentina will be the winner.. But as ...
I'm still 16 Y.O now, it will be a long time to reach 20.. but i've made some plans :D Perhaps, I will continue my study after i will have graduated from SHS, and hope i be a college student in Harvard Univ :hammers
Generally.. MOS is a way to build a good character for new students, to teach them about politeness and make them adaptable with their new school and it rules.. but mostly, MOS in Indonesia isn't normal anymore, finally it just be a way to revenge and to give punishment from seniors to their juni...
Morning guys, how about the election? :D and also about World Cup.. I still can't believe that Germany has beaten Brazil with 7-1 score :hammers
Hahaha :ngakaks Yes.. It's near with English Village Pare.. That's true, i ever took a course there :D Wow, i almost guess that u're more older than me :D whereas, just only different 1 year :hammers Hello.. Thanks for ur welcome, nice to meet ya :D