mau tanya dong gan, klo itu trusted ga gan?thanks mahal kan ya disini.. tapi pengirimannya emang cepet sih. banyak yang bilang mending bookdepo kalo ga buru-buru imho ya :)
January 29 ½ Hari - Nia Nurdiansyah (gara-gara diskon di carefour :D) Februari City of Bones - Cassandra Clare (telat banget :malus )
"That's why I love spider. 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again." Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
misi-misi numpang ikutan ya, urutan buku berarti urutan baca :malus Januari 1. The Secret of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel-The Magician (Michael Scott) salah beli, kirain ini buku pertama :capedes 2. The Secret of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel-The Alchemyst (Michael Scott) 3. The Secret of the Immo...