1. They don't really care whether you understand the lessons or not. :bingung 2. They want you to understand the lessons very well. :iloveindonesia 3. My ex-English teacher, His name is Tom, he is cute and I like him. :kiss 4. He must fluent in English, both written and spoken :request
gan ane baru aja send email buat yg di TRISAKTI,, ane nglamar untuk MT-MDD.. email ane yang retnoxxxxxxx@yahoo..com ane tunggu konfirmasinya ya gan... thanks :iloveindonesias
Hi... Am I late to join this club? this is my YM awanputih_langitbiru@yahoo.com somebody please invite me in... thanks! :)b
Oh God... I crossed my arms and put my bag between us, but it didn't mean that I don't like him... But if you guys think that the sign means we women doesn't like you.... so I always did a stupid thing. :capedes
gan, email ane ga ditanggap2in yang untuk posisi market insight analyst? :bingung CV ane kurang kompeten ya gan? :sorry
gan, ane masukin lamaran buat posisi Market Insight Analyst, masih buka ga ya gan? :bingungs Di baca2 dulu aja gan CV ane, dari retno********@gmail.com makasih gan :cendols
hahha...betul -betul... ngaku2 residivis pulak :capedes "daripada saya mencuri, mencopet, lebih baik saya meminta2" nakut2in orang aje :capedes