dah lama gak lewat sini masih rame ajah nih trit :travel wah ada yg CFD di solo yah tergantung karakter SGnya juga om bukan masalah CB/WCnya wih otot kawat tulang besi juga si om, tangannya dikasih gigit :ngakak bukannya disuapin pertama pasti nyontox selanjutnya jilat2, makanan abis, gantian...
Kagak ada abisnya kalo soal pro/kontra beginian mah, kita lihat ajah hasilnya nanti yang jelas itu pilar2 didepan manggala udah terpancang di akhir era babe sutiyoso tapi selama era babe foke gak ada pengerjaannya. Kalo soal serap menyerap anggaran apa sih susahnya mau dibuat 150% jg gampang kok :n
what is shakehand, a dance? can u move your butt? It's already on your head can you see the darkside of yourself ?
go suicide wsid if i see u doing suicide? help me and killing yourself :matabelo wsid if both of us die ?
no, i eat them all who is your biggest enemy? I guess you :marah how if we shakehand :shakehand2 and make a peace :Peace: ?
stay calm and eat mentos wsid when i cant found my mentos go to near shop and buy another mentos wsid if i can't move?
if u dreaming, i will burn your dream If u burned my dream, I will sleep again to get another dream LOL
if u call police ill call mighty power ranger If u call mighty power ranger, I'll wake up from my dream
ask a shemale to wear it up to u wsid if i feel bored? just killing yourself :berduka wsid if love you :request