Gelar lapak dulu sebelum memulai update besar-besaran di THREAD ini. Apa kabar sarang laba-laba? :goyang
12 June 2024: Dear EForers ... How realistic is it for Indonesia to be in the World Cup? How far will we advance in that competition? And if we somehow manage to enter the World Cup, what will you do to support our national team? Thank you.
Fadel999 where are you these days? busy playing bapak bapakan ya? hehehe ... long time no news bro ... TheTick interesting insight from our US based correspondent ... no other English forum in Indonesia has TheTick! ... Thank you ...
Do you know that to be able to write an IELTS item question, one should take a year training by experts? You can't just do it like this. This is nowhere near the quality of real IELTS question item for Task 1. If you want to practice, practice from authentic study materials. Here's my take on you...
I am sorry if my writing is very bad :(. If you put your writing in the box, it will not show in the quote. Aurora: When we talk about mathematics, some sentences passing through our mind are "mathematics is very hard", "mathematics can make our head aching", "mathematics
Today is 21 May 2024. Iran leader is down. One country is suspected to be behind this event. Will there be World War 3 soon? Let's hope not.
This is the correct one: The boy whose IQ score was above 150 lost both parents in a traffic collision.
Miss Sinta asked her father what the hardest school subject had been in his Elementary School. (This should be the correct one) hey everyone, soon our September will end .... what have you done this month?
Several weeks before Idul Fitri / Eid Fitr 2023. Anyone here doing the bukber thing? Hehehe .... BUKBER ONLINE ....
Is it hard to start a conversation with a stranger? No, it's not a problem to me, honestly. You know, I'm an extrovert and so when meeting new people, I'm always the person who breaks the ice and strikes up a conversation. Do you normally carry on a conversation with strangers? Well, it depends. ...
Change the language of this thread to English please. I give you two weeks to change. If it is not changed, this thread will be deleted. Thank you.
If you are a male, with a female sister. You say: I am her brother. If you are a male, with a male brother. You say: I am his brother. If you are a female, with a female sister. You say: I am her sister. If you are a female, with a male brother. You say: I am his sister.
18 September 2022 I am sharing my songs ... again ... HATI YANG MENJADI SERPIH 4YGBcwF5ogw MENGEJAR PERIH iIx7fQZ5vbQ BULAN TAK MENANGIS _sstrBZqtq0 JALAN TAK PERNAH SAMA pOW7XVghkqc