Tapi tahu sendiri kan kalo mau mereka bisa aja nge-ban p2p, tapi begitu mereka ban, pasti customers kabur semua. Hehehe, that makes perfect sense.
Kata kuncinya aja illegal downloads, yah udah pasti gak boleh secara hukum. Apa di sini ada yang ngelakuin yah banyak. Anda sendiri yang bilang di eropa gak ada yang enforce, di sini sampe sekarang ini yah masih kurang lebih sama, tapi apa ke depannya sama, siapa yang tahu. I'm fully aware that
Namanya juga illegal.... Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't really answer my question. I've been living in Europe for the past 8-9 years. And I can say that there's no enforcement whatsoever regarding this matter. You can just download TV shows (or others) at will. So again, my question is,
Hello all, Gw mo pindah syd neh critanya. Pertanyaan gw cuman 1, is it okay to download stuffs on the internet illegally? By 'stuffs' I mean TV shows, movies, etc. Metode downloadnya si both via torrent and direct download (premium hosting: rapid*share, dkk). Will I get into trouble? Coz I heard