itu kodok kecil gan, liat aja dijepit 2 jari gitu... cuma di deketin ke lensa waktu fotonya... jd kliatan gede lah.. :ngakak
Buat yang stres sama crash,ngehang dll ,bole dicoba ini: === The game engine has some issues with processors that have more than 2 cores. You can force the game to only use two of them and it will stop the freezing. I haven't had it freeze once since I did this several days ago. Open up th
waduh sama nih, ane jg lg bingung mau ambil yang mana... intinya " ringan, proci i5, buat render 3d sama nge game maknyus, murah.." yang mana ya gan tambahin musuh kura2 ninja gan. KRANG:sundulgans