Permisi gan, jadi ceritanya ane ada budget 10jt an mau rakit PC buat CAD sama rendering 3D. Spek yang optimal dengan budget segitu apa ya, mungkin bisa dikasih 2 opsi, make prosesor Intel dan satunya make prosesor AMD. Terima kasih sebelumnya ya yg sdh bantu :) eh ya gan mau nambahin, budget 10jt...
\n\nUsing Moodle: Teaching with the Popular Open Source Course Management System (Using)\n\n\n\nMoodle gives teachers and trainers a powerful set of web-based tools for a flexible array of activities, including assignments, forums, journals, quizzes, surveys, chat roomscou...
\n\nE-Commerce and M-Commerce Technologies: Innovation Through Communities of Practice\n\nE-Commerce and M-Commerce Technologies explores the emerging area of mobile commerce. The chapters in this book look specifically at the development of emerging technologie and their applicat...