Experienced? I think he's the Copperfield kind, hehe, to say "experienced" is just to mention the least, ahahaha.
Wuih, film jarang yang tau ini, gue setuju kawan, film ini dahsyat abis! Ada beberapa film lagi yang bikin agak drop abis nonton, dan mungkin kalian udah pernah nonton CUBE yang ceritanya tentang sekelompok orang terperangkap dalam kubus penuh jebakan, dimana setiap orang digambarkan punya karak...
Well, I don't think accent should be more prioritized than the properness of the language itself, though I would not claim accent to be much less important. Please read on below for further comment on the use of accent. I actually understand what TS is trying to say; learning to speak with...
No worries mate, for I actually agree with you. Furthermore, to be quite frankly, I think your opinion about the use of another accent other than our own is more than just solid, it definitely counts! The emphasize of an accent would actually come automatically as you improve your speaking, as i...
No worries mate, for I actually agree with you. Furthermore, to be quite frankly, I think your opinion about the use of another accent other than our own is more than just solid, it definitely counts! The emphasize of an accent would actually come automatically as you improve your speaking, as i...
Dearest friends, I see this thread is slowly turning into an ugly debating forum , hehe. I had a little chit chat with TS, motivated to place a challenge towards his claiming to speak the "Jude Law" English; but, instead of finding a complete twat, I found a friendly fella who aimed to...
TS, in my opinion after 15 minutes or so of direct conversation experience, is a friendly fella who tries to start an English club in his campus. Please contact him should any of you live around Bintaro, TS is studying at STP Trisakti. TS aims to improve his English skill, together with others wh...
Wondering mate, in need of guidance, please show me the light, and so on; would it be possible for Asian to speak in an accent other than the Asian one? An example would be a dear friend of mine, a Chinese kid who speaks proper English tongue, or a Japanese who sounds very English; the two sound...
I am downloading the song at the moment, and you should probably start finding gigs to promote your music. I'd like to buy myself a cheap, good car; what should I do?
Hello there, There is, I believe, a thread that requests your seemingly potential guidance to speak the British tongue; just maybe, you could deliver good tips for the thread starter to, at least, sound like Jude Law, Hugh Grant, or Harry Potter - hehe. Grande sir!