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Request : Permintaan pindah kategori Lapak FJB Link thread : Keterangan : Mohon di pindah kategory (salah posting) menjadi di = Want To Sell >>> Handphone & PDA >>> Accessories, Suku Cadang HP. ...
watching western movie without indonesian substitle, or substitle at all, is also very helpfull, as "Listening" is half of conversation ...
some westerner also got annoyed when people looking into their eyes. It happened to me in the past, when i was queuing for the bus, some old ladies got offended, thought i was looking at them, in fact i was impatiently waiting for the bus ... wth!?!!?!
Let me rephrase your sentences ... Hi, I'm Ulfah. I'd like to ask if any of You have ever read a book titled : "Critical Reading in Language Education" by Catherine Wallace ? If one had read it, could you please explain more to me about second chapter ? thanks you in advance