Jual GoPro 4 Silver BRAND NEW ! masi disegel gan ! :) Buka harga 450$, nego boleh gan :) text me on 0466 405 222 thanks.
misi gan jual 1 slop MILD MENTHOL harga 110$. Contact Number : 0466405222 lokasi caulfield clayton ato city ! Barang anget stok Maret !!
numpang post 1 gan.. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/q77/s720x720/1450805_10202304769487284_2124337207_n.jpg
butuh sepeda gan, (second/baru) daerah caulfield kalau bisa (biar ambilnya gampang) :D Harga : Negoitable Kasi kabar tipe sepeda sama harganya gan ! :D
Gan, ada pelajar WNI yang main basket ngga yahh? Ane mau iseng2 ikut olimppia, tp ngga kenal org indo yg main basket juga nih.l :malu: Ane biasa iseng2 main di monash sih, either caulfield or clayton..
Kalo mo ngumpul2 lg ikutan donk gan... :D Ane blom ktmu tmn kaskus disini (walo uda staun d melb) hehe Yg tgl 9 kmrn mau ikut tp flight aja tgl 13 -_-
Lokasi: Melbourne CBD, City Gate 28 Little Lonsdale st. 3 bedroom apartment, big living room, and balcony Fasilitas gym, tennis court, and swimming pool 5 menit dari supermarket woolworth, big w, QV, Melb Central, State Library 3 menit dari Parliament Station, Tram stop, city circle Shopping cente
I will arrive in Melbourne around mid february 17th - 22nd. Looking for a room around city road southbank or around Melbourne CBD. I'm Indonesian, 18, male. Non-smoker, clean, tidy. I'm quite good at cooking as well. Email me with photos and your price because I can't do inspection directly. d.re
gan, ada yang punya buku "success by design" by Jenn Kennedy ngga ? sama buku ini Becoming an Architect: A Guide to Careers in Design by Lee Wardlep
Gan, klo di dreamstime mau upload foto tnpa isi form tax ga bisa yah? Pas upload foto, kan trus ane klik commercial rf. trus dy mnta form tax W-8 ato sejenisnya. Itu ngga bisa di skip yah?
Cara cari part time, buat tax file number, cara buatnya ktik di google, gampang n cepet.. trus print banyak2 resume, (cara buat resumenya google aja).. trus ente datenging restoran2 kaya ajisen ato apa yg di city, trus tnya ada lowongan ato ngga and titip resumenya ke staff yg lain ato dll... at...
didapatkan dengan langkah yang sama, turunan tingkat dua terhadap v adalah jumlahkan kedua turunan tersebut, didapatkan atau the end thx banget nih sis :D sangat membantu :D :2thumbup: