Berita palsu ini gan Kasihan TS nya lagi di kejar interpol :D Mau sembunyi di mana lu gan? :D Emg enak dikejar interpol :P
Double Thread...\n\ndi WWW ...\ndi CCPB ...
Web 2.0: The Business Model\n\n\n\n\nWeb 2.0 is one of the most prominent business models for information systems available today. It brings together technology and social networks, and the interactivity that creates business value.\n\nWeb 2.0: The Business Model, an e...
\n\nFile dalam bentuk *.CHM ... dan beberapa sample Action Script dalam bentuk *.SWF dan *.FLA (Untuk Pengeditan) ... :rainbow:
PHP Object-Oriented Solutions\n\n\n\nISBN: 1430210117, Author: David Powers, Publisher: friends of ED, Pages: 392, Publication Date: 2008-08-21\n\n\nWith the surge of popularity of PHP 5, and with PHP 6 just around the corner, Object-Oriented Programming is now an imp...
Joomla! A User's Guide\nBuilding a Successful Joomla! Powered Website\n\n\n\nPrentice Hall PTR; 1 edition (December 21, 2007)\nCHM | 480 pages | English | 46.5mb(rar)\n\n\nDownload Link:\n\nor:\nhttp://d...
The Ultimate HTML Reference \n\n\n\n\nThe Ultimate HTML Reference is your definitive resource for mastering HTML. The entire language is clearly and concisely covered, along with browser compatibility details, working examples, and easy-to-read descriptions. Authored by one of...
WordPress Theme Design May 2008\n\n\n\nWordPress Theme Design May 2008 | PDF | 224 Pages | May 30 2008 | English | Size 10 Mb\n\n\nThis book walks through clear, step-by-step instructions to build a custom theme for the WordPress open-source blog \n\nengine. Th...
Writing Stored Procedures for Microsoft SQL Server\n\n\n\nWriting Stored Procedures for Microsoft SQL Server | PDF | 450 Pages | Size 1.2 Mb\nWriting Stored Procedures for Microsoft SQL Server/by Matt Shepker (Author) \n\n\n\nWriting Stored Procedures for Micro...
Pro Java EE 5\nPerformance Management and Optimization\n\n\n\nPro Java EE 5 | PDF | 424 Pages | Size 9 Mb\nPro Java EE 5 Performance Management and Optimization/by Steven Haines (Author)\n\n\n\nDescription\nPro Java EE 5 Performance Management and Optim...
PC World Magazine November 2008\n\n\n\nPC World Mgazine November 2008 | PDF | 148pages | English | Size 24 Mb\n\n\nDownload:\n\n\nMirror:\n\n\n
Flash and PHP Bible \n\n\n\n\nMatthew Keefe, Flash and PHP Bible\nWiley | ISBN: 0470258241 | May 5, 2008 | 508 pages | PDF | 6.2MB\n\nThe demand for rich Internet applications (RIAs) such as complete storefronts and interactive surveys is skyrocketing, as is th...
Google Money Pro\n\n\n\nGoogle Money Pro | Size 4 Mb\n\n\nGoogle Money Pro THE BEST BOOK ON GOOGLE ADWORD\n\nLet me put it this way, for the past 7 years my life has revolved around advertising websites online through Google. I know every rule, advertising poli...
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