Sudah tes matiin-hidupin lagi? (Baik hh maupun Bth). 95 % bluetooth headset di pasaran pasti kompatibel dengan HH, meskipun beda versi. Apalagi BTh nya branded. Coba hard reset BTh nya, dari keadaan off, tahan power dan tombol answer selama 5 detik. Dan tes juga BTh nya di HH lain untuk memastika...
gan, max v2 ane gbs konek ke bluetooth headset knp ya? nokia bh-606. bahkan nggak ndetek itu blutut. pernah ada yg kasus seperti ane? apa karna headsetnya pake 2.0 + EDR sementara hh sudah 3.0? mohon pencerahan gan. thanks :)
you can search in fb group >>> the bakulans :D in there many second and new guitars for sale :) :cendolbig aaahh.. FB group. :ngacir: over there rightaway tengkiu bro. and to remind all, Saturday night is almost over :o
anyone wants to sell second hand guitar? good condition cheap price please? :malu: no fancy electric with turbo boost eco friendly sleek gorilla glass corning with original signature of this-very-popular-guitarist please. simple one preferred. for practice purposes. i'm in jepara.