Setelah beberapa waktu lalu pihak smarfren dengan gentle mengakui adanya kerusakan pada jarinagnnya dan memperbaikinya dengan kompensasi ke pelanggan, knapa kali ini koneksi error tanpa konfirmasi, ADAKAH YANG PUNYA SOLUSI :cd: Tadi siang ane email, mau isya dibales gini: "...Berdasarkan has
Exactly, humans always tend to find a reason to justify their cause. :malus Got to take your word on that. I mean, i was so good at masking my feelings that i'm always smiling, seems there's no trouble and all is fine. Even some of my friends thought i was mentally ill because i'm always smilin
Sooo, moral of this story: Don't be too good on hiding your feelings, people will treat you as they wish because they don't know what you feel inside. :malu: One of my biggest flaw, I used to be a "yes man". Even now, I still find it hard to refuse other's request. :norose: Bingo :) An
I think because they are the ones who's smart academically and not socially. :) maybe intelligent people tend to unhappy because of their lack of spirituality aspect... just my 2 cents :) Awesome way to put it! These posts should represent my view. Thanks, I'm learning something new :)
for me it is, pal :D because it kills me inside and i realise it now how anyone can help u or knowing that u hurt if u always smile and put a happy face while u bleeding inside i don't know why i did it.. but i really can't help it you know "friends that always seems happy and always helping
okay, let me start it for me it's " I AM HAPPY!" & "I AM OKAY" why? because sometimes i only said to my friends or my family so they don't have to worry about me even when i am hurt so that's it what about you?? I don't think what you describe counts as 'biggest lie,' I t
The extent to which being a member of the EU confines or modifies government behavior gives some indication of the extent to which a distinctive EU polity has been created "seberapa jauh keanggotaan Uni Eropa membatasi atau memodifikasi perilaku pemerintah itu memberikan indikasi pada se
If I were God then I'd help science to unveil every single mystery in this world.. And see, whether they'd still have faith in Me :)
hi i'm a policeman and i'm interested to join force with U.N piece keeping mission in Sudan, my departement set up several test, including TOEFL test, i've been in TOEFL test before it was 10 years ago at my high school, now things are different, i've done some TOFL test on my computer with TOEFL...
At first, I thought you were to open a bookstore.. :-/ I think the better phrase would be, "it's a digital food park." However, it's not a common phrase. "it's a cafe with free WIFI" has a clear meaning, but "it's a digital food park" isn't as much. But I may be wro...
Interesting topic, interesting replies :) If I may voice my opinion... Short answer: No, money alone can't buy happiness. Case #1 I was a trillionaire but my child had a rare kind of disease beyond medical. So there I was with my wife and close relatives, gathering in that super VIP room waiting f
good try :thumbup now check again your translation for the following numbers (hints provided): 2. the past continuous tense doesn't stand alone. 3. what verb form follows the verb 'keep'? 4. looking at the indonesian version, is the 'completion of the work' in the future or in the past? 6. tired &
Ini ikhtiar ku... Gan ane mau nanya arti translate ini bener ga ya? kalo salah mohon di perbaiki :D bahasa inggris ane ancur soalnya :o 1. Hujan Deras kemarin It rained heavily yesterday 2. Lama saya menunggumu I was waiting for you for so long 3. Teruslah berlatih berbicara Keep pratice speakin