268A Compassvale Link - Mid Floor - Common room for rent quiet and cozy - Fully Furnished with Wi-Fi(Fiber broadband), Washing Machine and Air-Con - Room With Bed, Table, Chair and Fan - Common bathroom for your own use - Light cooking allowed - 1 min walk to Ranggoon LRT and 5 mins walk to Buang...
268A Compassvale Link - Mid Floor - Common room for rent quiet and cozy - Fully Furnished with Wi-Fi(Fiber broadband), Washing Machine and Air-Con - Room With Bed, Table, Chair and Fan - Common bathroom for your own use - Light cooking allowed - 1 min walk to Ranggoon LRT and 5 mins walk to Buang...
Common for rent - Hougang Area - Spacious common room - Own bathroom (not attached) - Wardrobe - Cooking allowed - hawker center/food court, mini mart, 7eleven at the block - Close to Kovan and Hougang MRT - Direct Bus to Bugis and Nex - No Owner - No agent fee $750/month (included PUB+Internet
Common for rent - Hougang Area - Spacious common room - Own bathroom (not attached) - Wardrobe - Cooking allowed - hawker center/food court, mini mart, 7eleven at the block - Close to Kovan and Hougang MRT - Direct Bus to Bugis and Nex - No Owner - No agent fee Available: March 2018 $750/month (
Common for rent - Hougang Area - Spacious common room - Own bathroom (not attached) - Wardrobe - Cooking allowed - hawker center/food court, mini mart, 7eleven at the block - Close to Kovan and Hougang MRT - Direct Bus to Bugis and Nex - No Owner - No agent fee Available: March 2018 $750/month
Common for rent - Hougang Area - Spacious common room - Own bathroom (not attached) - Wardrobe - Cooking allowed - hawker center/food court, mini mart, 7eleven at the block - Close to Kovan and Hougang MRT - Direct Bus to Bugis and Nex - No Owner - No agent fee Available: March 2018 $750/month
Common for rent - Hougang Area - Spacious common room - Own bathroom (not attached) - Cooking allowed - hawker center/food court, mini mart, 7eleven at the block - Close to Kovan and Hougang MRT - Direct Bus to Bugis and Nex - WIFI - No Owner - No agent fee Available: March 2018 $750/month (inc
Common for rent - Hougang Area - Spacious common room - Own bathroom (not attached) - Wardrobe - Cooking allowed - hawker center/food court, mini mart, 7eleven at the block - Close to Kovan and Hougang MRT - Direct Bus to Bugis and Nex - No Owner - No agent fee $750/month (included PUB+Internet+W...
gan.. saya ada rencana mo jual 3 bed room di tower Maldives, lagi butuh uang jadi mao jual murah.. pm yah kalo tertarik (ga tau nih thread bisa buat jualan ga.. sorry mod kalo melanggar aturan)
Common for rent - Hougang Area - Spacious common room - Own bathroom (not attached) - Cooking allowed - hawker center/food court, mini mart, 7eleven at the block - Close to Kovan and Hougang MRT - Direct Bus to Bugis and Nex - No Owner - No agent fee $750/month (included PUB+Internet) Prefer wo
Common for rent - Hougang Area - Spacious common room - Own bathroom (not attached) - Cooking allowed - hawker center/food court, mini mart, 7eleven at the block - Close to Kovan and Hougang MRT - Direct Bus to Bugis and Nex - No Owner - No agent fee $750/month (included PUB+Internet) Prefer work
Emang sekuat apa sih mamak banteng itu... :bingung Hm.. Pakde Kowi yg RI1 aja nunduk sama Mamak.. jadi kamu bisa bayangin sekuat apa dia
Kalo ga salah ada yg buat thread tentang peramal yg mengatakan kalo indonesia bakal di pimpin sama orang tionghua dan indonesia sangat maju di jaman itu bahkan saking berkembangnya sampe mendeklarasikan perang dengan negara tetangga :Peace:
Belakangan ini gw lihat indonesia trus2an rusuh dibuat nih para pendatang..dan yg termuktahir onta arab ngatain jowo ireng njilat pantat chinese pelahap babi..disini gw lihat jowo ireng jadi korban kebencian si onta arab kpda chinese pelahap babi..sbagay pribumi tulen gw berasa kesal ngliat jowo ...
http://s.kaskus.id/images/2016/03/25/8566852_201603250653520398.png Ohhh ternyata ini toh alasannya nasbung2 nyebut Ahok jadi Koko :cd: