Setuju dah. Beli table saw dibawah 7 juta cuma bikin kecewa. Mending bikin sendiri malah kita tau karakteristik table saw kita, kalo kurang ini itu bisa dimodif kemudian hari, kalo sudah jadi modifnya susah. Dan pertama bikin masih kacau itu wajar. mau bikin tp sangat ragu bakalan berhasil... h
agan2 ada yg pernah pakai table saw jenis gini gak? https://www.SENSOR/karyaindahtki/table-saw-wipro-10-inch-potong-kayu-meja-mj10250/talk... kira2 menurut agan worth it gk? pengen beli tp takut kecewa :malus
Sudah di transfer dari bank BCA atas nama jonson maimun ke rekening BCA atas nama Roy Widya\n\n\n nominal: Rp1.010.000,- (satu juta sepuluh ribu rupiah)\n id Pembeli: update\n no Hp Pembeli: 08151868626\n\n id Penjual: genta.\n no Hp Penjual: 081343499909...
\n\nom roy, barang sudah diterima dan spek sesuai dengan kesepakatan dengan seller, tolong cairkan dananya ke seller, thx
Sudah di transfer dari bank BCA atas nama jonson maimun ke rekening BCA atas nama Roy Widya\n\n\n nominal: Rp. 4035000- (empat juta tiga puluh lima ribu rupiah)\n id Pembeli: update\n no Hp Pembeli: 08151868626\n\n id Penjual: RV030904\n no Hp Penjual: 08...
Mount & Blade\n\n\n\nWar has come down on Calradia. In a land torn by constant danger, raids and skirmishes, you will raise and lead your own war band, commanding dozens of hardened soldiers. You will fight epic battles where ...
Pure\n\n\nDescription: Want to know what is experiencing kvadrotsiklisty - Representatives of one of the most spectacular kinds of extreme sports? They are familiar with clean, nezamutnennym shining victory.\nTheir overfill Gamblin...
King's Bounty: The Legend\n\n\nKings Bounty: The Legend is an adventure game with tactical turn-based battles and role-playing elements. In a fairy tale fantasy world of fearless knights, evil mages, wise kings ...
The Witcher Enhanced Edition\n\n\nThe Witcher: Enhanced Edition is the ultimate version of the ultimate role-playing game. The Witcher, which was released in October 2007, has won more than 90 awards and has sold more ...
Line Rider 2: Unbound\n\n\nLine Rider was originally created by Botjan Cade, a Slovenian university student, in September of 2006. It almost immediately gathered a cult following and became the seventh quickest gaining keyword ...
Lego Batman\n\n\nLEGO Batman: The Videogame brings the one-and-only Caped Crusader to life in a completely original storyline. Players will take control of the Dynamic Duo, Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Robin, as well as bonus hero ...
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization\n\n\nThe classic Sid Meier strategy game Colonization is re-born in the world of\n Civilization IV, where players lead their people on a quest to conque...
Murder in the Abbey\n\n\nMurder in the Abbey (2008)\nThe Abbey takes players to the gloomy world of the Middle Ages. An old abbey is the scene of a series of mysterious murders, and only one man can put a stop to the ...
Prison Tycoon 4: SuperMax\n\n\nReview :\n\nHard Time is Money\nBuild a profitable privately run prison from the ground up. Every\nwall, every fence, every decision is yours. Start small and forge\n...
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames RIP by Skullptura\n\n\nThey are trained to kill, destroy and destroy, they is masterful own any kind of the weapon and in perfection have mastered management of cars, tanks and planes....
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky\n\n\nThe group of stalker for the first time was selected to the very heart of zone - Chernobyl' AES, after provoking the cataclysm, which hardly did not lead to the catastrophe. The immense eje...
Spore\n\n\nThe creators of The Sims present the next big bang - SPORE. Create your unique creature and guide it on an epic journey through a universe of your own creations. Play any way you choose in the five evolutionary phases of S...
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI\n\n\nRediscover an ancient civilization with an explosive history in the most stunning edition of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Set during the end of Chinas Han Dynasty and the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D., RTKXI presents the...