phoboess saya di pve oceanic <PVE> Remulos - Australian Eastern Time XD ntar bisa pindah realm kok XD nyari santai dulu
dari latency kayaknya plg bgs oceanic -> us pacific -> us eastern 13 jam lagi rilis
<PVE> Atiesh - Pacific Mankrik - Eastern Myzrael - Pacific Pagie - Eastern <PVP> (Eastern) Faerlina {Many Streamer here} Herod Thalnos Stalagg Skeram (Pacific) Fairbanks Whitemane Stalagg Blaumeux <RP> Bloodsail Buccaneers - Eastern <RP-PVP> Grobbulus - Pacific --------
<PVE> Atiesh - Pacific Mankrik - Eastern Myzrael - Pacific Pagie - Eastern <PVP> (Eastern) Faerlina {Many Streamer here} Herod Thalnos Stalagg Skeram (Pacific) Fairbanks Whitemane Stalagg Blaumeux <RP> Bloodsail Buccaneers - Eastern <RP-PVP> Grobbulus - Pacific ----------...
tanya donk ttg black desert di steam 1.cashnya bisa bli pake saldo steam indo? 2.pada maen di server apa community indonya?
tertarik banget maen di sini sayang gk ada full client jd pusing mau maennya !_! udah dari 1 bulan liat di rms ahahahaha update bro ^_^
EXA - PERFECT COMPETITIVE POKEMON - KALOS - SHINY - XYORAS - Up to Date EXA - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby - Bonus Shiny/Legend Pokemon
Exclusive ORAS Mega Build CT-028 Groudon Shiny Oras Exclusive Primal build Lv 85 CT-029 Kyogre Shiny Oras Exclusive Primal build Lv 85 CT-030 Rayquaza Shiny Oras Exclusive Nobunaga Mega build Lv 75 CT-051 Beedrill Kalos Shiny Mega HA Sniper Lv 50 CT-052 Pidgeot Kalos Shiny Mega ...
ORAS Competitive Legend CT-013 Zygarde Kalos CT-014 Yveltal Kalos CT-015 Celebi Kalos Pokebank Celebi CT-018 Genesect Shiny Movie Genesect Blaze kick exclusive CT-020 Jirachi Kalos Shiny ORAS Build Pokemon center Jirachi CT-021 Victini Kalos Pokescrap pokemon CT-022 Shaymi...
Dream World Pokemon CT-024 Lugia RARE Shiny Dream world Exclusive ability Multiscale CT-025 Ho-oh RARE Shiny Dream world Exclusive ability Regenerator CT-026 Landorus RARE Dream world Exclusive ability Sheer force CT-027 Tornadus RARE Dream world Exclusive ability Defiant
COMPETITIVE LEGEND Competitive Legend #1 CT-001 Latios (Soul Dew) Shiny Held Item: Soul Dew CT-002 Meloetta Shiny Lock ORAS Build CT-003 Deoxys Attack form CT-004 Articuno Shiny ORAS Build Defog from D/P, Ominous Wind from HG/SS CT-005 Zapdos Shiny ORAS Build Defog from D/P Lv 6...
Jan 2015 Gilang = :email:Paws::ngacir::cool: Billy = :email:Paws::ngacir::cool: Feb 2015 Gilang = :email:Paws::ngacir::cool: Ryo = :email:Paws::ngacir::cool: Diko = :email:Paws::ngacir::cool: Steven = :email:Paws::ngacir::cool: Dimas = :email:Paws::ngacir::cool: Anindito = :email:Paws::nga
INDEX 1 Normal pokemon (Black Text) = 20k Purple pokemon (Uncommon) = 25K legend competitive Yellow Pokemon (Rare) = 30K legend build oras Green Pokemon (Super Rare) = 40K legend build oras+past Blue Pokemon (Ultra Rare) = 50K dream world Bundle Birthday Set = 140K
ALL POKEMON LEGIT PROMO DISCOUNT NOW UP to 50% Jualan apa sih bro? Q = Jualan apa bro? A = Jualan pokemon Q = Ini jual kasetnya apa jual apa? A = Kita cuman jual pokemon tidak pake kasetnya Q = Competitive nda bro pokemon nya? A = Ready to battle pokemonnya, sering di gunakan buat battle j...
uploadin full client di hosting sendiri :P uploadin kemana deh ^_^ quote/pm aja klo udah ntar saya join :)