Oke makasih agan, nanti deh ane cobain satu-satu yang mana yang seger dimata .. kalo agan pada pake Desktop Environment apaan ?
salam kenal gan, ane nubie linux pingin numpang nanya gan... kan di linux ada yang namanya Desktop Environment tuh, sekarang kan ane pake Gnome3, tapi ternyata baca-baca masa depan nya rada suram gan. :matabelo ada usul gak buat Desktop Environment selain Gnome3 yang simple, seger dan enak diliha...
yeah :D , but still freaking me out :takuts yes you may, :Paws: <-- High five (although the finger only 3 :Peace:) you go to the vocational high school ?, yeah the UN has been held since yesterday for their major productive subject.
yeah.... i see the point. so when you need a good leader, the people that he led must be good first rather than the leader, because the leader himself is an aspiration of his people, right ? :think: i find out that this gif is rather scary :takut :ngacir:
hahaha okay then ! :D i'll do my best :thumbup just don't kill 'em nuke 'em :army, if you kill 'em more will come, they we're just like zombie, we caught / kill one still hundred of them roaming around :cd yeah maybe... but who can survive the jakarta ? :cd the ci...
waduh... duit semua yaa itu gan, banyak banget :matabelo tapi emang bagus-bagus sih gan film nya pantes ajaa buat dapet untung segitu :malus
okay then i'll stick with the forum rule from the front page, bookmarked it already :2thumbup hope i will had a nice stay here :matabelo what i think about the pilkada DKI.... i don't know, i don't even know who is the candidate :nohope well about the KKN a little bit that i can ...
Hi all :selamat i wanted to join to this lounge of english forum, i think i can practice my english and also chat with the member who already join the english forum lounge and share some experience. is it okay ? i hope it's okay. :shakehand2 delete this if it's against the FAQ and the r...
thanks for the tips gan.. ntar ane cobain dikamar ane dulu gan baru ntar keseluruh rumah ane :2thumbup Kunjungi thread ane disini gan: Skrillex —Dumbalien ™
oke deh gan.. ntar ane coba jalanin saran nya agan jadi anak ane ntar ampuh dari penyakit ::wowcantik Kunjungi thread ane disini gan: Skrillex —Dumbalien ™
wah.. nice thread gan.. mudahan terkumpul duit liburan ane atas saran agan :malus Kunjungi thread ane disini gan: Skrillex —Dumbalien ™
ane juga mau kalo gitu gan liburan kesane... doain aje yaa gan tahun ini bisa :iloveindonesias Kunjungi thread ane disini gan: Skrillex —Dumbalien ™