@Hashim0307 : Nicklas Bendtner set for Juventus medical tomorrow. #killmenow :ngakak:ngakak:ngakak:ngakak:ngakak emang parah banget ya si bednter (bener ga tulisannya? :ngakak:ngakak
KYAKNYA TV PLASMA EMANG BENER2 BERBA.. Emerge more updates on what is in effect the deal more sensational the last days of the transfer market. As we wrote earlier, the Bulgarian striker Dimitar Berbatov was expected in a day in Florence for a medical and the signing of the contract. The player, ...
smoga kenaikan harga sms diikuti dengan penurunan tarif telp syukur2 gratis.... amiiiiin :berbusas :berbusas :berbusas
salut buat orang2 yg peduli akan lingkungan asal bukan hnya buat pencitraan didi sendiri a :hammers:hammers