Belum baca sampe abis sich, jadi ga tahu udah ada yang comment apa lom. Kanker mulut rahim/serviks di mammograf? Hmm, tercium penipuan nie..
black and red\n\nwhat is the color of your wristwatch??\n\ni don't mind... beside it's just a game... :D:D:D
^^\ni though i already ask this before :Peace::Peace::Peace:\ni forgot... :p\n\nanswer is black\n\nwhat is the color of your shoes?
computer has a lot of meaning and i assume it's the CPU you are referring so my answer is\nblack\n\nwhat is the color of your skin?
Black\n\nwhat it the color of your jacket?\n\n\nthis may be a games section but we can always try using the right grammar... :D:D:D