Ane terinspirasi dari beliau. Dulu ane termasuk orang yang boros. Susah menabung. Namun sejak mengenal saham ane skrg benar benar mempriotitaskan penghasilan untuk nabung saham. Disamping juga untuk menyiapkan dana pendidikan untuk anak. Awal nya sih Unit Link, tapi setelah ane hitung hitung sepe...
Ya ampun. Udah ngebully anak difabel, keroyokan lagi. Mahasiswa-mahasiswa ini bener bener pengecut dan waste of sperm.
I dont have any particular number which I'm fond of. However, I prefer even numbers to odd numbers. As an elementary school students years ago, I always saw that odd numbers were more difficult to divide than even numbers were. Hence i prefer even numbers. *silly reason, I know 😆 I don't think
trivialize the trivial it's not worth your concern :wkwkwk Yes! maybe it's not worth a concern. I agree with you! But I believe I am not hurting anyone to ask their preferred accent. To know what others think about English accent is a delicious food of thought for me. Thanks for your concern by
My question would be "Why does it matter ?" :D It doesn't really matter. The point is people skill and how we make people understand. English is now spoken widely, about 80 % of English interaction happens between non-native English speaker.Therefore, English is not exclusively owned anym
since I use most of my English at work, so probably I choose to learn American English, not because I'm not interested in British English, it's just I don't have time to learn the phonetic, the slang and the vocab since they use different vocab for some words :hammer: So yeah, my English is just li
I love rain; the smell, the vibe and that sound of water drop slapping the earth.It has never failed to soothe my mind. At work, at home, rain has always been able to calm me down, down to my inner self and exposing myself to a private tranquility. Rain also makes sleeping more amenable and has th
:cool american, sounds simple, and i still learning too, sometimes when i heard a word in BE, i cant clearly hear it.. or maybe i need to adapt with this sound... like a water, at first i heard someone said water as a "wotaah" r is silent :hammer: i confused, and then my teacher said it...
It will be a pleasure to have someone to talk English with. Maybe we can start by doing small things. Like telling about yourself? Or we can talk about any particular topic that you like
I just want to be consistent with my learning. So I am currently trying to stick with American English. I was interested in speaking British and tried to do so. But I found it onerous and I failed. I asked opinion from some of my native speaker friends regarding my accent. Most of them said I speak
Nice thread. Anyway have you ever heard checked It's a top notch website to learn English by reading articles from wall street journal and watching some videos. Well some topics might seems to be hard. But that's the challenge right? Ooh, you can also give comment after you r...
Ide nya yg mahal gan. Brand juga lo.. Knapa sih kita ga beli aja hp yg kita suka trus ga usah membenci hp yang lain. Btw ane pengguna android yg blom pernah pake iphone smaskali