ditinggal ayah selama2nya saat masih kecil, lalu ibu menyusul..harus mengalami pernikahan seperti itu dan kakak yg ga peduli...kalo saya udah collapse, sis.. Sekrang rumah tangganya baik2 saja kan?Semoga sis dan suami bisa belajar dari masalah ini dan saling mencintai, menyayangi selama2nya.Yang pe
Hmm....itu biasa..serahkan ama Tuhan. Ibu ane juga dulu hidup susah, diremehin orang.Awal merid ama bapak ane sempet kok kakak ane untuk nonton TV berwarna harus ke tempat tante (adek nyokap). Nah berangsur2 alhamdulillah kehidupan membaik setelah ane lahir,tp masih smpt kok waktu balita masih no...
Ribut itu biasa,yg penting bicarain baik2..justru karena ada konflik itu hubungan menjadi erat karena semua saling terbuka dan ngomong yg mereka rasakan.. terus sekarang gimana?
Ane cewe yg belum merid, belum laku istilah org walau ane bukan org yg judes. Tp karena pernah dikecewain jdinya ga gampang bg gw untuk percaya ama cowo (tp tetep membuka hati tetep, lebih hati2 aja). Nah temen nyaranin ke biro jodoh online muslim. Memang ada beberapa yg deketin..nah salah satunya
Yep..dulu gw pernah coba (around tahun 2008).lokasinya bener d Wisma BNI 46.ANe dulu apply sebagai translator, eh ternyata disuruh cr nasabah. terus ada lagi yg d BEJ, lupa gw namanya apa.Tapi serupa lah..:mads Tiba-tiba ane inget beberapa temen ane yg beberapa thn lalu masih fresh grads and masih
Need your help: Is this writing correct: "This is review of the competition where I won the second prize" or This is review of the competition in which I won the second prize"?Please answer it soon..many thanks
I am interested in applying. I used to be a translator for a magazine and now a freelance copywriter. How can I send my resume and sample?thank you
I am interested in applying. I used to be a translator for a magazine and now a freelance copywriter. How can I send my resume and sample?thank you
I am interested in applying. I used to be a translator for a magazine and now a freelance copywriter. How can I send my resume and sample?thank you
My name is Yasmin Rasidi, and I would like to join to improve and teach English as I was former English teacher. Nice to meet you all..
Happiness is too abstract to define. People say that rich people are happier, but is it always like that?Is there a guarantee that if you hjave lots of money you must be happy?To be honest, money is important, we can`t do anything without money, however, money can`t buy happiness. How many childr...
Hmm...too many to write it down here..OK..MJ`s song"Man In The Mirror"really touches me..it makes me aware that we must change ourselves to be a better person first,before we make a change. And some rock songs like"Over You"by Daughtry, the reason why?This song helped me get t...
Thanks a lot for the info..berguna banget. mau coba deh makan tomat ,walau sebenernya ga terlalu suka