New Record Trading Volume for Alpari Dear Clients, We’re proud to announce that the monthly trading volume of the companies working under the Alpari brand name reached an all-time high in the month of February, the shortest month of the year. From February 1 through February 28, 2013, Alpari cli
Mar. 18 – Wire Transfers through Promsvyazbank to be Unavailable Dear Clients, The Cyprus branch of Promsvyazbank will be closed in observance of Clean Monday on March 18, 2013. All payment orders received on this day will be sent out the following day, on March 19, 2013. You may refer to our s
gan,ane pernah buka akun alpari nz dri ib lain,cuma dah lama g dipake,n ane dah lupa imelnya, boleh bukaa akun baru lewat agann? pm y :cekpms Sudah berapa lama ya gan ? Kalau sudah lebih dari 6 bulan sama sekali ga pernah aktif bole dicoba lagi gan. Tapi saya ga brani pastikan bisa atau ga. gan b
Vladimir Gottfried Wins 2nd Straight Round of 'Successful Investor' Dear Clients, Vladimir Gottfried of Ulyanovsk (Russia) is on a roll in 2013. For the second month in a row, it was Vladimir that ended up atop the leaderboard in our
Starting Mar. 11 – Changes in Alpari Trading Schedule Dear Clients, We’d just like to remind you that the United States will be shifting to Daylight Saving Time on March 11, 2013. Since European countries shift to Daylight Saving Time three weeks later — on April 1, 2013 — there will be so
The Higher Your Balance and the Higher Your Volume, the Better Your Terms Dear Clients, On March 4, 2013, Alpari is introducing its latest round of improvements in trading terms for its clients. Now, by increasing your trading volume and account balance, you can gain access to significant imrpove
Alpari’s Valeriy Tarasov Takes Part in Swiss Economic Forum Dear Clients, The 2013 Russian Economic and Financial Forum was held March 3–4 in Zurich, Switzerland. Alpari Corporate Communications Director Valeriy Tarasov was there to take part in the twelfth session of the annual event. Influe
Halo agan2 semua. Saya baru punya Cibi sekitar 1 bulan baru 1300 km. Kok saya merasa position ridingnya aga ga nyaman ya ? tangan sering pegel dan telapak sering sakit sama pinggang jg kadang2 pegel kalo perjalanan aga jauh sekitar 30 menit gitu apa ada solusi dari agan2 semua ? apa ganti stang ya
Starting March 25 – Alpari Will No Longer Support Mirror Trader Dear Clients, Starting March 25, 2013, the following changes will be in effect at Alpari NZ Limited: Alpari will no longer support the Mirror Trader platform. The "Activation of Mirror Trader platform for a client of ALPARI NZ
Alpari Making the PAMM Account Service Even More Transparent Dear Clients, On February 22, 2013, Alpari will be introducing some changes in public PAMM Accounts (i.e. accounts that show up in the PAMM Account Ratings). Starting on this date, all active PAMM Accounts belonging to a single manager
Alpari January Trading Volume in Excess of 210 Billion Dollars Dear Clients, The companies working under the Alpari brand name recently issued a joint press release announcing that Alpari clients traded more than 210 billion dollars in volume in January 2013. We’ll remind you that the trading v...
Alpari’s Aleksandr Sabodin Named Chairman of the Financial Market Development Association of Belarus Dear Clients, On February 15, 2013, a press conference was held in Minsk (Belarus) to announce the creation of ARFIN (the Financ
Alpari Trading Volume Reaches Record High in January Dear Clients, During the month of January, Alpari clients from Russia and the CIS traded a total of 110 billion US dollars – a record high at our company. Alpari currently services more than 780 thousand accounts belonging to clients in Russi
Feb. 18 – USD Wire Transfers Unavailable Dear Clients, We would like to inform you that bank wire transfers in USD will be unavailable on February 18, 2013 (Presidents’ Day, USA). On February 19, USD wire transfers will be available as usual. Please refer to our site for other deposit/withdra
LOWER spreads. FASTER execution. BIGGER potential. Dear Clients, Starting February 11, 2013 there will be some improvements in the trading terms at Alpari: Lower minimum spreads on standard.mt4 accounts (starting at 0.3 pips) Faster order execution (an average of 0.2 seconds) No minimum deposit f
4 Alpari Analysts in January 2013 Medialogia Rankings Dear Clients, Four Alpari analysts made it into Medialogia's ranking of the top 50 most-cited Russian analysts for January 2013. Leading the way for Alpari was Alexander Razuvaev, head of Alpari's analytical department – he came in at #5. Jo
Vladimir Gottfried Wins First Round of 'Successful Investor' in 2013 Dear Clients, We have a winner! With a 189.24% return on his PAMM investments over the month of January, Vladimir Gottfried from Ulyanovsk (Russia) bested the c
Alpari Now Principal Sponsor of West Ham United Football Club Dear Clients, Alpari recently signed on as the Principal Sponsor of legendary British football club West Ham United. We’ll remind you that Alpari’s partnership with
paypai tu apa ya? any one?? huehue.. maap ane new bie.. kalo ada yg bs kasih tau by PM. sy hargai... :D tq E-currency gan. coba googling soal paypai aza dulu :) tinggalin jejak gan Monggo gan.