Ok Guys, there are few misconception about how to create authentic and original circle fade on your back pocket. It was back in time where so many young Swedish chew this particular Tobacco gum place in container like picture above. They usually have the same diameter for this container and...
Skull 5010xx size down 2 = pain SE05BSP Ande Whall Full size chart: http://andewhall.bigcartel.com/size-charts New Standard, biasanya sizedown 2 Petite Standard, help anyone? thx mas krayon, tapi ane jadinya beli tts, tinggal nyisa itu soalnya
ide bikin threadnya bagus bgt bro jd org2 ga ngeremehin produk lokal nih. semoga banyak org yg nyadar lebih mending beli produk lokal drpd yg kw :hammer: sukses terus produk indo! :iloveindonesia