Agan agan, mohon bantuannya ya kalau ada kenalan tukang kayu bisa dibagi bagikan informasinya, PM ane ya gan, (mudah mudahan banyak yang mau share) Makasih agan agan yang baik hati
Ada lagi nih gan, coba rentangin tangan agan trus ditekuk ketas dengan jari jari menempel diatas kepala sehingga berbentuk segitiga, kepala kita jadi matanya.. TERNYATA BADAN KITA PUN ADA REMASONNYA GAN :ngakak
Thread paling bermutu dan non-SARA yang pernah ane temui di Kaskus, semua kata-kata yang diquote agnostiknya spot-on dan bener-bener apa yang ane pahami, tidak ada yang salah dengan mengimani suatu agama dan mempercayainya, sama halnya dengan agnostik dan atheis, tidak ada yang salah dengan perca...
Setuju banget nih ane ama ini, kesimpulan dari berita ini, ente ngga mesti menjadi muslim untuk baca qur-an, ga mesti kristen untuk baca alkitab, ga mesti budha atau hindu dll untuk mempelajari sejarah agama lain, yang dibutuhkan cuman rasa ingin tau dan "OPEN MIND" alias otaknya ga se...
My suggestion, you don't have to correct someone's sentence unless: 1. It's critical or in other word, "just plain wrong", and off course 2.They ask us to. I mean, why bother practicing English if you're not interested in getting better, right? :2thumbup
Hello! haven't been on here for quite a while, any progress on the gathering? can anyone keep me updated with the specific date and time? (if it's not too much to ask!) I'm afraid I won't be on Kaskus much so just follow me on Twitter, will ya! just DM me and say you're f...
ane ngga pake bebe dong gan :malus ntar aja kalo udah butuh yang soal "fix" kayanya ngga ada yg salah deh, "fixed" itu kan artinya "sudah pasti", kalo diingrisin jadi begini nih obrolannya A: when are we meeting? B: Next monday A:Is it fixed? B: Yes ya cuman kan ngga...
You mean a tip for speaking? I agree and that's what I always tell my students also, most of them are really shy responding in English :( but I keep pushing until they eventually get used to sharing their thoughts and opinion in English using their own words, and when I think they've g...
"Would like" is just the formal version of "want", actually just the "would" itself is a more formal way of expressing or asking, sorry maybe you misunderstood.. "could and would" are used for the past tense when you try to explain something in the past li...
Although "could I have your name" is much less used, it is still correct. but in general "Can" and "Could" have slightly different meaning (other than the fact that "Can" is for present and "Could" is the past) Can : expressing ability Could : ex...
I know what you mean! English accent was a bitch, I remember when I first talked to an English guy I told him I hated him! I'm quite proud to say now that it's no longer a problem for me,it's actually addictive once you tried to get the hang of the words coming out of their mouth, ...
Ahhhh, I know what we should talk about! how almost every Indonesian thinks "bitch" is what you call a "prostitute" :capedes
It was a joke hehe, definitely he mustn't mean to say he's boring. And yes "I am hot" means I am sexy, I was just trying to explain (on my previous post) that it also means that I'm literally hot. Anyway let's talk about grammar errors that native English speakers o...
maybe he did mean to say that he's boring :p, you can say "I am hot" when you're whining about the temperature, and technically "I feel hot" can also mean you're feeling sexy, so I guess it just depends on how they're saying it :p sometimes when I'm d...