Something to do with biology, eh? So, were you stationed in Hospital while you're in Semarang? Actually nanochemistry also has some branches, but for my research i'm focusing on synthesis of nanoscale polymer materials that can be used for Solar cells..
Interesting... I took Masters on Aero-Astro Engineering at MIT upon graduation I had submitted a research paper as professional work in my related field. Then with these publication I could take Phd courses as Phd student. After 3 years tenure by then I got my Doctoral Candidacy. Then right after
What major you will be having on your master program in Seoul? I'll take nanochemistry major there. Due tue this is research scholarship, i'll spend my time in laboratory to doing researches :najiss
6 years = 2 years Master + 4 years DC ? So you just bumping to post-grad right after finishing your grad degree? How's that going to happen chap? Yup, 2 years for master program then continued with Ph.D. program after that. Because those are part of scholarship program so i must ready to do it.
Hi. Welcome to the club! :D Wow, six years. I never knew postgraduate study could take that long.. I've only been to HK and Macau. But a friend of mine who has been to every single East Asian countries (except the North Korea ofc :ngakaks ) told me that their English wasn't even that good, especi
I don't know my method is useful for you or not, bu maybe you can try this. I usually speaking with myself everyday. To be honest i want to discuss with someone who also interest with English speaking. But, you know... it is very difficult to find someone who also has same interest. When i try to s
Of course i wanna have British accent to be honest. In my opinion, British accent is very sexy in my ear. I don't know how to describe that, but you can surely find the difference after you watching British movies and listen how Jason Statham or Emma Watson are speaking about, and compare them with
You are miles better already by starting with not saying: "Sorry for bad grammar.";) LOL, sorry about that bro. You know, that's my habit actually. :entahlah
Hi guys, i'm so glad i open this subforum coincidentally. I would like to doing some chit chat with some masters in this forum because i wanna improve my english skills, especially in writing. For your information, i will go to Korea next February. I would continue my studyprogram in master and Ph
misi gan, ane mau tanya. Kan dibagian penempatan ada bagian Cum Laude ya, itu sistem seleksinya bagaimana sih gan? Apa nanti yang cum laude cum laude itu dijadiin satu sendiri gitu apa gimana ya gan, mungkin yang berpengalaman disini tau jawabannya hehe.
Iiiiih masak 20 tahun masih mbuntel di SMA sih jijik banget deh.... Hukum aja yang setimpal, nggak pantes dikasih undang undang perlindungan anak. Jijik, gak sudi.
Yaelah, respon boleh beda tapi menghargai prestasi orang apa susahnya sih? Harus banget orang punya prestasi dibully? Kayak gini mau Indonesia mau maju, mau dihargai orang luar. Bullyan aja masih dimaklumi gara gara " yaelah namanya respon orang kan beda beda, cengeng.... "
Hashtag gak penting. Ya terus kalau emang udah jodohnya gimana? Masih dibully? Berarti Bastian yang pinter bisa dapetin Islan. Terlepas dari begonya Islan atau apapun pendapat kalian mengenai keputusan Islan nerima Bastian. Toh hak mereka saling nerima satu sama lain. Hashtag gak guna kayak gini uj
Ya salah bastian juga sebenernya apa coba dapet Islan wkwkwk, dan Islan nerima bastian juga salahnya dimana wkwkwk. Hak mereka berdua lah. Berarti Bastian yang pinter udah dapet Islan. Islan yang kelewat bego nerima Bastian ya apa mau dikata sih. Jonesnya kebangetan netizen.
Deh, kalau menyesal ya udah stop copasnya. Belum lama ini juga ketahuan copas dari sumber yang berbeda kan? Pinter banget play victimnya :o
Malem gan, ane mau tanya lag nih, budget sekitar 4 - 5 juta, Setelah browsing ane jatuh ke dua pilihan, Xiaomi Mi 5s plus dan Asus Zenfone 3 5,5 inch (ZE552KL). Diantara 2 pilihan tadi mana yang lebih oke ya gan? Adakah rekomendasi lainnya? Kalau bisa jangan yang second ya gan. Keperluan ane: 1. ...