intimate n deep conv means such things about love life experience, attraction to the opposite gender, affection, her taste n also urs, innermost thought, etc. then how about ur last date with her on last sat? another way to know whether a lady attracted to a man is by touching. just give her fl
just take her out again. then how's ur both language? just common things, punch lines, or any deep n intimate conversations? hmm will plan to go out again today if its possible. language? we share story from common, family, friends, dreams, dont really know how intimate and deep mean? have
how long u've been known eachother? hmm 2 weeks since we've been introduced to each others. we chat everyday.
dan gw ga menangkap kalimat ketertarikan lo ke dia euy, in fact lo cuma kebingungan baca sinyal :bingungs so the main question is, how's ur feeling bout her anyway? indeed, i am confuse read any signal if there is any, whether she interested to me, or it just shes being polite to go out. :P
pertanyaan ANEH hari ini. HAHAHA! lah mana gue tau responnya dia kayak gimana, kan yang lagi pdkt sama tuh cewek elu, yang ketemu tatap muka sama dia juga lo, bukan gue. Gimana sih lo bro :capedes dah sana gandeng tangannya... ga usah lama lama banyak pikir.. hahah gw kan lagi clueless bro, u
sista hazelll nanya dong.... 1 bulan lalu gw baru putus dengan mantan gw yang uda jadian 5 years ++ karena alasan yang ga masuk akal dan ga mungkin bisa diperbaikin. stelah gw 2-3 minggu merenung dan meratapi nasib beraharap mau balikan, gw cape dan decide mau move on decide to stop wasting time,
om zekee nanya dong... gw baru putus 1 bulan yang lalu dengan pacar yang uda lebih dari 5 taun dengan alasan yang ga masuk akal, setelah 2-3 minggu gw merenung dan meratapi nasib akhirnya decide to move on, toh waktu ga berenti buat nungguin gw. minggu lalu, gw dikenalin cewe sama temen gw cuma dar