klo interview ane kmrn standar2 aja gan,, yg interview total ada 5 orng (1 HRD, dan 4 user). interview nya in english. tp mereka memberi kesempatan kita klo mau pake bahasa bila ada kata2 yg sulit. pertanyaan utama pastinya berkaitan sm kerjaan kita skrng. awal nya kita dminta memperkenalkan dir...
ane mechanical gan,, kmrn intrview ada juga facility dr electrical. sabar aja gan,, smoga dpanggil u/ gelombang slanjutnya :)
agan apply facilities juga, ane dpt panggilan intrview hari slasa bsk jam stengah 9. sesepuh2 yg punya pngalaman intrview untuk facilities engineer tolong share dmari,, :D
PT SINGGAR MULIA CAREER OPPORTUNITIES in Engineering Design for Oil & Gas A well established Engineering Consultants Company with more than 30 years experiences in Engineering Design for Oil and Gas project (Offshore & Onshore) is growing rapidly and seek a number of qualified engineers to...
A. Position : Fresh Graduate Engineers - 2 Process/Chemical Engineering. - 2 Civil / Structure Engineering. - 2 Instrument Engineering. - 2 Piping/Pipeline/Mechanical Engineering. The Qualification Requirements : - 1. S1 or min. Diploma 3. - 2. Fresh Graduate are welcome. Domicile : Indonesia (Ja...
gan, input nya valve ato pompa di caesar? kalo valve, dapet berat nya biasa nya dari pipedata PRO dimana berat valve+berat gear/handwheel op nya.
Vacancy Premier Oil Indonesia Premier Oil plc is a leading independent FTSE 250 international oil and gas exploration and production company, with operations in the North Sea (offices in Aberdeen and Stavanger), Middle East/Pakistan (offices in Abu Dhabi and Islamabad) and Asia (offices in Singap...
Excel Performa Consulting Excel Performa Consulting is a management consulting that has its specialization in Human Resources Management. Our client, a contractor for Oil and Gas located in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, is looking for candidates to fulfill following positions in Hook-Up and Commiss...
Company : \tTotal E&P Indonesie Contract : \tpermanent position Branch : \tExploration Production Location : \tIndonesia - Balikpapan Interviews will take place in : \tJakarta/Balikpapan Starting date : \tAs soon as possible Salary : \tAccording to profile and experien...
Our client as one of the biggest International Oil & Gas company, currently seeking for urgent positions with details as follow: *Please write down the Job Title in the subject of your e-mail PIPELINE ENGINEERS Required Experience and Skills · Minimum Bachelors Degree (S1) in Civil or ...
dari milis gan,, lowongan piping stress analysis engineer Dengan hormat, Bersama ini kami informasikan bahwa untuk proyek PKT 5 dibutuhkan personil khusunya stress Engineer, dari Senior maupun Junior Best Regards, Nessi Nevada S.Psi Sales and Marketing Representative www.ccitonline.com cfdsof.c...
LOWONGAN PT TRIPATRA_JULI 2011 We are a leading Engineering and Construction Company in Oil & Gas Plant development and have been operating in Indonesia for more than 37 years. We would like to invite highly motivated and competent personnel to join TRIPATRA for the following positions with the r...
PIPELINE ENGINEER (NATIONAL) Job posting reference \t03848 Region \tIndonesia Location \tJakarta Contract type \tContract Start date \tImmediate Job description TECHNIP is a public listed company in France with over 50 years of worldwide experience and more than 28 years of en...
PT PREMIUM CONSULTING http://www.premium-work.com We are representing EUROPEAN PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY base in Purwakarta, West java. Due to Their rapid project expansion is having requirement : for professionals, dynamic, self-motivated and dedicated person to fill the following position : MECHANI...
sori gan ada yg klupaan, beda piping engineer sm piping drafting/designer; piping drafter; 1. berhubungan dengan mendesain model/routing piping atau buat model equipment bisa 2D/3D, bikin detail spool, support,dll yg nantinya bisa di ekstrak u/ kebutuhan kerjaan piping engineer, ato engineer dr ...