rtg nya msh baru om :travel ini jg lg searching aqua yg lbh legaan dikit tp g boros tempat, maklum msh bujangan numpang ortu :toast silvernya sih ud berenang bebas d kolam koi size 2x1.5m http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/06/08/847447_201406080135340351.png ^^^^^ Nggak takut lompat itu om silv
Suruh ke klinik Tongfang aja gan, siapa tau berkat klinik tongfang penyakit lesbiannya bisa smbuh " Terimakasih Tongfang " :hammer
*Seghawon Cemeng = ente ganteng *kalau lewat dikeramaian = nyuwon sewu bledug ajeng lewat *Wedhus = mandi contoh = Koe wedhus tho mesti artinya kamu belum mandi kan pasti dan masih banyak lagi
Waduh Pernyataan dari siapa tu gan ? Do you know Minas OIL ? Minas Oil adalah crude oil dengan kualitas spec paling bagus di seantero OIL Industries, crude oil ini diproduksi oleh Chevron dilapangan minas sono so thats why crude oil tersebut memiliki nama minas, and you know what sumur sumur yan...
What the F....You know what "AHMMED" said?? I kill you!!! haha... Oww really ? than you'll said you are geminies woman to me !!! haha..just kidding it couldn't be referance.... Capricorns men is the most wanted by other (woman) zodiac, but back to the peoples personality, so...
thanks and nice to know you paanda93, i've done attach my picture So what do you think about me, am i handsome??:malus If i could choose Zodiac i'll choose Pisces, hahahaa
Hi guys may i join this community?? let me introduce my self Name : Langga Agestya, ST Sex : 100% male, if you not belief me you can try me, but it just for girl only :ngakak kidding guys... Born/date : Yogyakarta / 15 January Age : 2*(censored) but i feel like 17 years old :ngakak address : Jl. ...