if you f*ck my girlfriend , i'll behead you :mads if you"ll behead me, I'm protected my head with helmet before you doing that :ngakak
Don't go to classroom until you get your first chair :think: What should i do to meet my favorite actor, vin diesel and paul walker ? :ngacir: Ask him what is the recipe to make our body look so strength :najis What should i do if i meet cak lontong at ILK forum? :ngakak
run into him as soon as he knows that there is a person carrying a bomb,then the police..... the police kill himself for protecting a kid which is.....
for godsake man,being gross not cool at all :bingungs What do you think our next president will be ? Being a composer and launch more album than our president beforehand :ngakak :ngakak why the private didn't flush their closet after take a pee?
kyknya di jakarta rel kreta cocoknya di taro di jembatan layang gitu deh gan, soalnya sering kejadian kyk gini sering gan #IMHO :sorry :sorry
Acin ngebanggain negaranya sendiri yang katanya masih nyewa dan belom merdeka sepenuhnya?! Memalukan sekali
Relokasi aja sebagian, masukin kedalem senayan, biar tertata rapih, soalnya kalo pedagangnya mundur 2m tapi yg belinya markir di pinggir jalan mah sama aja bodong gan IMHO ane gan..
Usul ane dari pada jual ginjal mendingan ikutan beasiswa apa jualan kucingan, untungnya gede.. Lumayan juga kan buat bantu ortu bayar spp, kalo udah "MAHA"siswa mikirnya cerdas dooong!!