Oke, no Komodo anymore :( Oh goobye Komodo :( I dont understand, why people always talk about komodo :bingungs Princess of 'Norak' :kisss Why do people stop on thered light? thered? typo? describe how to build eifel tower??
Exotic? Errrrr.......... :think: Okay then. Komodo is exotic, more than Sun. :Peace: For the Godsake, this is funny :ngakaks A : well I'm gonna praying they will turn into cute princes. Q : I don't know how to eat, mind to teach me? Komodo. Komodos everywhere.... ~~~~~~:ngacir: A: its easy to
daptar mas :D id : kokoronomo Nama asli : koya Domisili sekarang : jakal No.hp : :Phone: photo hayo aku sing ndi :D monggo sharing2 pengalaman :)
permisi mastah, numpang tanya itu desain css, yang ditanyain, bikin DIV E biar posisi ditengah, kyk gambar, gmn ya? dah coba kasih "float: left" di DIV E, malah lari ke kiri. dikasih "float: center" juga tetep ke kiri. trs nyoba "text-align: center" di DIV C jg tete...