NB. bawa eksternal hdd deh ada data anime + dorama 3tb yang mau di hapus untuk di update bien tau mampir ngenet, kok film e ga diketokno, opo njaluk operator sek? :hammers lek woro2 ojo mepet om yo.. :D
still on with 5watt eyes.. :clock book title : Digital Video Broadcasting: Technology, Standards, and Regulations by : Ronald de Bruin and Jan Smits Eindhoven Centre of Innovation Studies (ECIS) Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands :capedes
this night, translating ebook for about more than 20 pages :hammer: really hard with some broadcasting language.. :nohope anyway GOOD NIGHT :moon:
Our idea here is developing our skill by having conversation Feel free to throw your own topic here. Uwoogh, medical student. So you work in Unisma Hospital too? There are some terms in Art which different from general English, bro. But honestly I forgot :hammer: If I face the material, I wi...
sama yg diatas, kalo buat venomRX Levantine muat ga yah? btw lek njaluk pasangno iso sam? (ngalam dewe) :Peace:
mampir maneh sam, suwe ga mampir.. :Peace: btw dvdrom biar awet itu gimana ya? aku pernah sekali waktu burning 4DVD. apa itu bikin umur dvdrom nya cepet berkurang? :D
man, you are here too?? :ngakaks happy learning english bro. :D --- anyone, could this thread called as english community? :bingungs