Gan, di spoiler ja gambar mata nya, soalnya gambarnya punya sugesti yang kuat, perasaan gw ga enak...
inMomentum v1.0 kracked READ NFO-THETA InMomentum is a minimalistic sci-fi platform racing game that challenges the players to think in both horizontal and vertical perspectives while racing against each other or against the clock in a puzzle-like environment. InMomentum gives the players the po...
Kayanya pertanyaanku salah tempat deh, tapi gpp deh nanya dulu... Beli PC Games di daerah Jambi di mana ya??? Heheheh... Maaf klo salah tanya...
Gan anne minta game yang mainnya dekorasi interior suatu rumah donk, kaya the sim tapi ga da orangnya, cuma dekorasi interior rumah ja gan... Thx be4...